Guide to HTML, JavaScript and PHP: For Scientists and Engineers |
Guide to HTML, JavaScript and PHP: For Scientists and Engineers
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Added On: 22-Jul-2011
Download Guide to HTML, JavaScript and PHP: For Scientists and Engineers
Category: PHP
EBook Description: This book enables readers to quickly develop a working knowledge of HTML, javascript and PHP. The text emphasizes a hands-on approach to learning and makes extensive use of examples. A detailed science, engineering, or mathematics background is not required to understand the material, making the book ideally suitable for self-study or an introductory course in programming. Features: describes the creation and use of HTML documents; presents fundamental concepts of client-side and server-side programming languages; examines javascript and PHP implementation of arrays, built-in and user-defined methods and functions, math capabilities, and input processing with HTML forms; extends programming fundamentals to include reading and writing server-based files, command-line interfaces, and an introduction to GD graphics; appendices include a brief introduction to using a �pseudocode� approach to organizing solutions to computing problems; includes a Glossary and an extensive set of programming exercises.
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Aller Anfang ist schwer - und gerade fur Autodidakten ist es haufig muhsam, die Grundlagen des Programmierens zu erlernen. Daher haben wir dieses Video-Training speziell auf die Bedurfnisse von Programmier-Einsteigern zugeschnitten. Unser Trainer Benjamin Bischoff zeigt Ihnen Schritt fur Schritt, wie Sie sich in PHP ausdrucken und mit Webserver und Datenbank kommunizieren. Alle Codebeispiele werden live erlautert und kommentiert. So erfahren Sie ganz nebenbei auch, was zwischen den Zeilen steht und in Buchern muhsam selbst erarbeitet werden muss.[b]Screenshot
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It's easy with OnlinePHPClass.com. It's the only step-by-step guided approach to learning PHP, where I'll teach you how to create web...
Guide to HTML, JavaScript and PHP: For Scientists and Engineers
This book enables readers to quickly develop a working knowledge of HTML, JavaScript and PHP. The text emphasizes a hands-on approach to learning and makes extensive use of examples. A detailed science, engineering, or mathematics background is not required to understand the material, making the book ideally suitable for self-study or an introductory course in programming. Features: describes the creation and use of HTML documents; presents fundamental concepts of client-side and server-side programming languages; examines JavaScript and PHP implementation of arrays, built-in and user-defined methods and functions, math capabilities, and input processing with HTML forms; extends programming fundamentals to include reading and writing server-based files, command-line interfaces, and an introduction to GD graphics; appendices include a brief introduction to using a �pseudocode� approach to organizing solutions to computing problems; includes a Glossary and an extensive set of programming exercises.
Guide to HTML, JavaScript and PHP For Scientists and Engineers 1st Edition
This book enables readers to quickly develop a working knowledge of HTML, javascript and PHP. The text emphasizes a hands-on approach to learning and makes extensive use of examples. A detailed science, engineering, or mathematics background is not required to understand the material, making the book ideally suitable for self-study or an introductory course in programming. Features: describes the creation and use of HTML documents; presents fundamental concepts of client-side and server-side programming languages;
PHP 5 Objects, Patterns, and Practice
If you have seen true object-oriented development, and have had trouble using these concepts in PHP; don't despair any longer. Matt (Zandstra) has done all the work for you-all you need is a weekend or two to do a little reading. While being an easy read, Zandstra's introduction to the object-oriented features is, I believe, perfectly adequate to get started with object-oriented PHP programming.
PHP OOP Video Tutorials
PHP OOP Video Tutorials
PHP in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference
Now installed on more than 20 million Internet domains around the world, PHP is an undisputed leader in web programming languages. Database connectivity, powerful extensions, and rich object-orientation are all reasons for its popularity, but nearly everyone would agree that, above all, PHP is one of the easiest languages to learn and use for developing dynamic web applications. The ease of development and simplicity of PHP, combined with a large community and expansive repository of open source PHP libraries, make it a favorite of web designers and developers worldwide.
PHP in a Nutshell is a complete reference to the core of the language as well as the most popular PHP extensions. This book doesn’t try to compete with or replace the widely available online documentation. Instead, it is designed to provide depth and breadth that can’t be found elsewhere. PHP in aNutshell provides the maximum information density on PHP, without all the fluff and extras that get in the way. The topic grouping, tips, and examples in this book complement the online guide and make this an essential reference for every PHP programmer. This book focuses on the functions commonly used by a majority of developers, so you can look up the information you need quickly. Topics include:
PHP in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference
Now installed on more than 20 million Internet domains around the world, PHP is an undisputed leader in web programming languages. Database connectivity, powerful extensions, and rich object-orientation are all reasons for its popularity, but nearly everyone would agree that, above all, PHP is one of the easiest languages to learn and use for developing dynamic web applications. The ease of development and simplicity of PHP, combined with a large community and expansive repository of open source PHP libraries, make it a favorite of web designers and developers worldwide.
PHP 5 - Power Programing
Chapter 1, What Is New in PHP 5? discusses the new features in PHP 5. Most of these new features deal with new object-oriented features, including small examples for each feature. It also gives an overview of the new extensions in PHP 5. Most of the topics mentioned in this chapter are explained in more detail in later chapters. Chapter 2, PHP 5 Basic Language, introduces the PHP syntax to those readers not familiar with PHP. All basic language constructs and variable types are explained along with simple examples to give the reader the necessary building blocks to build real scripts. Chapter 3, PHP 5 OO Language, continues exploring PHP 5's syntax, focusing on its object-oriented functionality. This chapter covers basics, such as properties and methods, and progresses to more complicated subjects, such as polymorphism, interfaces, exceptions, and lots more. Using the previous chapter as a foundation, Chapter 4, PHP 5 Advanced OOP and Design Patterns, covers some of the most advanced features of PHP 5s object model. After learning these features, including four commonly used design patterns and PHPs reflection capabilities, you will soon become an OO wizard. Now that you are familiar with the syntax and language features of PHP, Chapter 5, How to Write a Web Application with PHP, introduces you to the world of writing web applications. The authors show you basics, such as handling input through form variables and safety techniques, but this chapter also includes more advanced topics, such as handling sessions with cookies and PHP's session extension. You also find a few tips on laying out your source code for your web applications.
Php architect s Guide to Web Scraping with PHP
Despite all the advancements in web APIs and interoperability, it's inevitable that, at some point in your career, you will have to "scrape" content from a website that was not built with web services in mind. And, despite its sometimes less-than-stellar reputation, web scraping is usually an entire legitimate activity-for example, to capture data from an old version of a website for insertion into a modern CMS. This book, written by scraping expert Matthew Turland, covers web scraping techniques and topics that range from the simple to exotic using a variety of technologies and frameworks: . Understanding HTTP requests . The PHP HTTP streams wrapper . cURL . pecl_http . PEAR:HTTP . Zend_Http_Client . Building your own scraping library . Using Tidy . Analyzing code with the DOM, SimpleXML and XMLReader extensions . CSS selector libraries . PCRE pattern matching . Tips and Tricks . Multiprocessing / parallel processing
Guide to HTML, JavaScript and PHP: For Scientists and Engineers - Free eBook Guide to HTML, JavaScript and PHP: For Scientists and Engineers - Download ebook Guide to HTML, JavaScript and PHP: For Scientists and Engineers free