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Visual Basic .NET and XML

EBook NameVisual Basic .NET and XML
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EBook Category Category: Visual Basic and

EBook Description: An accessible and step by step approach to using VB.NET and XML enterprise application development XML is a tool for interacting with, describing, and transporting data between machines across networks and across the Internet perfectly suited for Microsofts .NET plan to fully integrate the Internet into distributed computing. By using real world and fully functional examples, this book quickly brings Visual Basic programmers and developers up to speed on XML for enterprise application development. The authors include an overview of XML and how it works with VB.NET, then explain how to use it to manipulate data in distributed environments. Microsoft Technologies .NET Platform: The next big overhaul to Microsofts technologies that will bring enterprise distributed computing to the next level by fully integrating the Internet into the development platform. This will allow interaction between any machine, on any platform, and on any device. Visual Basic.NET: The update to this popular visual programming language will offer greater Web functionality, more sophisticated object oriented language features, links to Microsofts new common runtime, and a new interface. ASP.NET: A programming framework (formerly known as Active Server Pages) for building powerful Web based enterprise applications; can be programmed using VB.NET or C Sharp. C Sharp: Microsofts new truly object oriented programming language that builds on the strengths of C++ and the ease of Visual Basic; promises to give Suns Java a run for its money.

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Well I had attended the MS1013 & MS1016 courses as someone who (perhaps late in the day) wishes to find a career change, but I obviously had not got enough experience to cope terribly well. Thus I bought the first CD (VB Fundamentals) and ...I found it to be exceptionally good. I have completed all the challenges on the LAB page (MCSD) and will check your code against mine to see what I missed or could have done better. Thanks a lot! The LABs are great, they are really giving me the confidence to go on! Challenging yes, but so better the reward for completing it successfully! I am really looking forward to the coming CDs for Desktop/Enterprise Distributed Apps etc. Great job! Thanks a lot.

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