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"Chemistry for Engineering Students"
Enhanced with a remarkable number of new problems and applications, the Second Edition of CHEMISTRY FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS provides a concise, thorough, and relevant introduction to chemistry that prepares students for further study in any engineering field. Updated with even more questions and applications specifically geared toward engineering students, the book emphasizes the connection between molecular properties and observable physical properties and the connections between chemistry and other subjects studied by engineering students, such as mathematics and physics. This new edition is now fully supported by OWL, the most widely-used online learning system for chemistry.
Reaction Mechanisms in Environmental Organic Chemistry
Reaction Mechanisms in Environmental Organic Chemistry classifies and organizes the reactions of environmentally important organic compounds using concepts and data drawn from traditional mechanistic and physical organic chemistry. It will help readers understand these reactions and their importance for the environmental fates or organic compounds of many types. The book has a molecular and mechanistic emphasis, and it is organized by reaction type. Organic molecules and their fates are examined in an ecosystem context. Their reactions are discussed in terms that organic chemists would use. The book will benefit organic chemists, environmental engineers, water treatment professionals, hazardous waste specialists, and biologists. Although conceived as a comprehensive monograph, the book could also be used as a text or reference for environmental chemistry classes at the undergraduate or graduate level.
Studies in Natural Products Chemistry
Natural products play an integral and ongoing role in promoting numerous aspects of scientific advancement, and many aspects of basic research programs are intimately related to natural products. The significance, therefore, of the 29th volume in the Studies in Natural Product Chemistry series, edited by Professor Atta-ur-Rahman, cannot be overestimated. This volume, in accordance with previous volumes, presents us with cutting-edge contributions of great importance.
- Volume 29 is part of a great family of useful reference books - Illustrates the types of critical discoveries that emerge from the interface of chemistry and biology - Contributions are from well-respected authors
Topics in Organometallic Chemistry
The series Topics in Organometallic Chemistry presents critical overviews of research results in organometallic chemistry. As our understanding of organometallic structure, properties and mechanisms increases, new ways are opened for the design of organometallic compounds and reactions tailored to the needs of such diverse areas as organic synthesis, medical research, biology and materials science. Thus the scope of coverage includes a broad range of topics of pure and applied organometallic chemistry, where new breakthroughs are being achieved that are of significance to a larger scientific audience. The individual volumes of Topics in Organometallic Chemistry are thematic. Review articles are generally invited by the volume editors.
Applied Chemistry
Applied Chemistry
Computational Quantum Chemistry II
Modern Computational Quantum Chemistry is indispensable for research in the chemical sciences. Computational Quantum Chemistry II - The Group Theory Calculator describes the group theory that the authors have developed in the past twenty-five years and illustrates how this approach, known as the 'Spherical Shell' method, can be applied to solve a variety of problems that benefit from a group theory analysis.
Computational Chemistry
The gap between experimental objects and models for calculations in chemistry is being bridged. The size of experimental nano-objects is decreasing, while reliable calculations are feasible for larger and larger molecular systems. The results of these calculations for isolated molecules are becoming more relevant for experiments. However, there are still significant challenges for computational methods. This series of books presents reviews of current advances in computational methodologies and applications.
Chapter 1 of this volume provides an overview of the theoretical and numerical aspects in the development of the polarizable continuum model (PCM). Chapter 2 demonstrates a multiplicative scheme used to estimate the properties of two- and three-dimensional clusters from the properties of their one-dimensional components. Chapter 3 discusses the application of ab initio methods for a reliable evaluation of the characteristics of hydrogen-bonded and van der Waals complexes.
Ab initio quantum-chemical methods are popular among researchers investigating various aspects of DNA. The properties of DNA base polyads linked by base�base hydrogen bonds are reviewed in Chapter 4, while Chapter 5 reviews the primary radiation-induced defects in nucleic acid building blocks, and how DNA can be influenced by chemical and environmental effects. Finally, Chapter 6 discusses available experimental data of DNA bases, base pairs, and their complexes with water.
Quantum & Computational Chemistry
Quantum & Computational Chemistry
Applied Chemistry
Applied Chemistry
Studies in Natural Products Chemistry, Volume 29: Bioactive Natural Products
At the bottom links you can free Studies in Natural Products Chemistry Volume 29 - Bioactive Natural Products ebook downloads
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