Water desalination
Book on Water desalination.
Dewatering and Groundwater Control
Dewatering and Groundwater Control
Water Supply, Water Distribution
Water Supply, Water Distribution
Water Supply � Pumping Station
Water Supply � Pumping Station.
Sanitary and Industrial Waste Water Collection � Pumping Station
Sanitary and Industrial Waste Water Collection � Pumping Station.
Cathodic Protection System for Civil Works Structure
Cathodic Protection System for Civil Works Structure.
Concrete Crack and Partial-Depth Spall Repair
This handbook contains information on current practices (as of September 1998) for the repair of cracks and spalls in concrete pavements as well as on the selection of materials and equipment. This handbook is intended for use as a field handbook for airfield concrete pavement repair for all U.S. Navy, Army, and Air Force facilities; however, the techniques for repair can be used for other concrete pavements as well.
Concrete Repair
This handbook describes methods and procedures for maintenance and repair of concrete pavements.Since surface failure must be corrected at the source, probable causes are discussed and repair measures described.
Behaviour of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composite Piles under Vertical Load
Composite piles have been used primarily for fender piles, waterfront barriers, and bearing piles for light structures. In 1998, the Empire State Development Corporation (ESDC) undertook a waterfront rehabilitation project known as Hudson River Park. The project is expected to involve replacing up to 100,000 bearing piles for lightweight structures.
Inspection, evaluation and repair of hydraulic steel structures
This manual describes the inspection, evaluation, and repair of hydraulic steel structures, including preinspection identification of critical locations (such as fracture critical members and various connections) that require close examination.
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