Basic Hydraulics and Hydraulic Plumbing
Basic Hydraulics and Hydraulic Plumbing.
Standard for the Design and Fabrication of Ground Support Equipment
Standard for the Design and Fabrication of Ground Support Equipment.
Theoretical Seismology
Theoretical Seismology.
Winter Navigation on Inland Waterways
Winter Navigation on Inland Waterways.
Lecture : Atmospheric Thermodynamics
Lecture : Atmospheric Thermodynamics
Civil Engineering
Get the entire �Civil Engineering� category
Concepts in Electric Circuits
Concepts in Electric Circuits
Wind Turbines
Wind Turbines
Engineering Thermodynamics
Engineering Thermodynamics
Control Engineering - An introduction with the use of Matlab
The book covers the basic aspects of linear single loop feedback control theory. Explanations of the mathematical concepts used in classical control such as root loci, frequency response and stability methods are explained by making use of MATLAB plots but omitting the detailed mathematics found in many textbooks. There is a chapter on PID control and two chapters provide brief coverage of state variable methods. The approach adopted allows more time to be devoted to controller design by different methods, to compare the results and also to examine the effects of plant parameter variations.
Materials and Methods for Corrosion Control of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Structures in New Construction - Free eBook Materials and Methods for Corrosion Control of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Structures in New Construction - Download ebook Materials and Methods for Corrosion Control of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Structures in New Construction free