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Physical Geology: Exploring the Earth (6th Edition) doesn't just explain physical geology and its processes; it places that knowledge within the context of human experience by consistently emphasizing relevance, resources, and the environment. With this edition, the authors seek to answer two central questions, "How does the planet work?" and "Why is this important to know?" By discussing the unifying theory of plate tectonics in detail early in the text, the authors are able to link diverse material by this common thread, providing a global perspective of Earth and allowing students to recognize seemingly unrelated geologic phenomena as a continuum of interrelated events within a complete planetary system.

The Changing Earth: Exploring Geology And Evolution

THE CHANGING EARTH: EXPLORING GEOLOGY AND EVOLUTION is a leader in the Introductory Geology course. The fifth edition's content is based on the best-selling texts PHYSICAL GEOLOGY: EXPLORING THE EARTH and HISTORICAL GEOLOGY: EVOLUTION OF EARTH AND LIFE THROUGH TIME, both written by James S. Monroe and Reed Wicander. Briefer than the previous edition and maintaining a consistent and clear writing style throughout, the text provides balanced coverage of physical and historical geology with engaging, real-life examples that draw you into the material

Physical Geology: Exploring The Earth

Physical Geology: Exploring the Earth (6th Edition) doesn't just explain physical geology and its processes; it places that knowledge within the context of human experience by consistently emphasizing relevance, resources, and the environment. With this edition, the authors seek to answer two central questions, "How does the planet work?" and "Why is this important to know?" By discussing the unifying theory of plate tectonics in detail early in the text, the authors are able to link diverse material by this common thread, providing a global perspective of Earth and allowing students to recognize seemingly unrelated geologic phenomena as a continuum of interrelated events within a complete planetary system.

The Changing Earth - Exploring Geology and Evolution

THE CHANGING EARTH, a leader in the Introductory Geology course, is the only text specifically written for the combined physical and historical geology course. The Fourth Edition's content is based on the best-selling texts PHYSICAL GEOLOGY: EXPLORING THE EARTH and HISTORICAL GEOLOGY: EVOLUTION OF EARTH AND LIFE THROUGH TIME, both written by James Monroe and Reed Wicander. Briefer than the previous edition and maintaining a consistent and clear writing style throughout, the text provides a balanced coverage of physical and historical geology with engaging, real-life examples that draw students into the material.

Nature of Earth - An Introduction to Geology

The drama of geology is all around you. Have you ever been to Yellowstone National Park? If so, you have stood on a catastrophe in the making. The central region of the park is inside a collapsed volcanic crater that pulses with the hidden energy of magma deep below that will eventually explode in an eruption surpassing any in recorded history. Or have you ever driven in the rolling hills of the Piedmont region that extends from New Jersey to Alabama? Then you have crossed the core of an ancient mountain range that once rivaled the Himalayas. Now almost completely eroded away, these peaks were created 300 million years ago in the collision of tectonic plates that formed the supercontinent of Pangaea. Or have you ever noticed something as simple as tipped fence posts or leaning retaining walls? If so, then you have witnessed one of the most powerful and irresistible agents of geologic change, the ubiquitous force of gradual erosion called mass wasting.
A Science That Is Intuitive, Accessible, Concrete, and Exciting
Wherever you live or travel, geology is everywhere. Wouldn't you like to know how to read the rocks and landscape; how to make sense of debates over natural resources; and how to appreciate the "deep time" that governs a geologist's sweeping perspective?

The Changing Earth: Exploring Geology and Evolution

THE CHANGING EARTH, a leader in the Introductory Geology course, is the only text specifically written for the combined physical and historical geology course. The Fourth Edition's content is based on the best-selling texts PHYSICAL GEOLOGY: EXPLORING THE EARTH and HISTORICAL GEOLOGY: EVOLUTION OF EARTH AND LIFE THROUGH TIME, both written by James Monroe and Reed Wicander. Briefer than the previous edition and maintaining a consistent and clear writing style throughout, the text provides a balanced coverage of physical and historical geology with engaging, real-life examples that draw students into the material. Examples in the Fourth Edition include new two-page art spreads, new paleogeographic maps, and "Geology in Unexpected Places"-a favorite feature from PHYSICAL GEOLOGY: EXPLORING THE EARTH, Fifth Edition. Known for its competitive and robust ancillary package, the Fourth Edition now features GeologyNow, the first assessment-centered student tutorial technology developed for the Geology market. The seamless integration of GeologyNow with chapter concepts emphasizes the connections between the content and students' own lives, through visual 3-D animations and chapter quizzes, helping students develop a greater appreciation for geology.

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