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Nutrition: Science and Applications

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EBook Category Category: Nutrition

EBook Description: Ice cream or sorbet, red meat or fish, fruits or pastries, eggs or oatmeal-our lives are filled with choices about what we eat. That's why Lori Smolin and Mary Grosvenor's Nutrition: Science and Applications helps you understand how to analyze nutritional information and apply your knowledge to the nutrition issues you face each and every day.

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workouts with innovative moves to get you lean and ripped in less time. Tony Horton��s unique training style will keep you motivated every step of the way. These advanced workouts target specific problem areas so you get maximum body sculpting and muscle definition. All the workouts are fast, fun, and effective to give you the results you��ve been after in less time! Core Cardio Engage your core and get a lean, ripped midsection with these intense cardio and sculpting moves. (48 minutes) Plyo Legs An explosive lower-body workout with Tony��s breakthrough plyometric moves to strengthen, sculpt, and shape your legs, hips, and glutes. (49 minutes) Sweat 5-6 A big-time calorie-burning workout that raises the bar on your cardio and gets you totally lean and ripped! (47 minutes) Sculpt 5-6 Turn up the intensity and focus on those key areas with Tony��s best total-body sculpting workout yet! (45 minutes) Cardio Intervals Burn maximum fat and reshape your body from head to toe with Tony��s challenging cardio intervals. (56 minutes) UML (Upper Middle Lower) Get started on these innovative new sequences for a ripped upper body, chiseled abs, and a firm, sculpted butt

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