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Introduction to Maya 2012
In this series of lessons, we will help you get a strong understanding of Maya and how it works. You�ll get the chance to work with many of the Maya instructors here at Digital-Tutors who will show you how to use some of the major components of Maya. In this course, we�ll start by giving you the foundational skills and vocabulary you�ll need in order to move around within Maya, and then we�ll jump right into the Modeling section of the course. After completing the Modeling section, you�ll get the chance try your hand at Texturing, Rigging, Animation, Dynamics, and finally, Lighting and Rendering your own animation. Our goal is not to weigh you down with technical information, but rather to help you form good habits and strong workflows so you can become a proficient Maya artist.
Guerilla Lighting and Rendering Tactics in Maya
Guerilla Lighting and Rendering Tactics in Maya
In this course we will cover some production tips and concepts to think about when building CG military vehicles. This course was designed to help develop your workflows, and give you some concepts to keep in mind as you go through the process of modeling military vehicles. The objectives for this fast-pace, course include looking at several different workflows and techniques for modeling a military transport. We won't be going step by step through building a specific project, but rather talk in broad terms about some of the situations you will encounter and what options you have for dealing with those issues. Before we start, it is recommended that you have experience using Maya as we cover a lot of information in a shorter span of time. If you're an artist new to Maya the Beginner's Guide courses are a perfect place to start. From there you can check out any of the intermediate step-by-step project based courses that will take you through the entire process.
Facial Animation in Maya
This course will cover the process of animating a face in Maya. We will build the animation step by step, covering time-saving and proficient techniques like smart blocking, using a checklist, how to work with reference, checking for arcs. We will even cover what to do when we encounter issues where an expression that was not anticipated calls for the control rig to be revised. By the end of this course, you we will be equipped with the knowledge you need to build your own facial animations that are convincing and entertaining.
Maya Fluid Effects Fundamentals
Fluid dynamics are rapidly becoming a powerful alternative to particle effects. In the first lecture of this series, effects animator David Schoneveld introduces you to the rules of fluid production, showing how Maya Fluid Effects can be used for everything from smoke, dust and explosions, to underwater plane crashes and more. David details the fluid menu, emitter and container attributes, as well as shading and texturing, while conveying an understanding of the dynamic attributes of fluid dynamics and their uses in production. The lesson also details the basics of ponds, emphasizing an understanding of the fluid shader and texture controls.
Maya Fluid Effects: Pyrothechnics
In the third DVD of this series on Maya Fluid Effects, effects animator David Schoneveld reveals the numerous methods he uses to create and control fluid explosions, covering dynamic, non-dynamic and texture-based effects. He teaches you how to use, and maintain control of fields with fluid containers. The lesson also covers the basics of flame construction, and explains how to use the Maya presets to build effects quickly and efficiently.
Maya Fluid Effects Fundamentals
Fluid dynamics are rapidly becoming a powerful alternative to particle effects. In the first lecture of this series, effects animator David Schoneveld introduces you to the rules of fluid production, showing how Maya Fluid Effects can be used for everything from smoke, dust and explosions, to underwater plane crashes and more. David details the fluid menu, emitter and container attributes, as well as shading and texturing, while conveying an understanding of the dynamic attributes offluid dynamics and their uses in production. The lesson also details the basics of ponds, emphasizing an understanding of the fluid shader and texture controls.
Introducing Maya 2011
Four previous editions can�t be wrong: this book is the perfect introduction to 3D and Maya. Learn to build and animate your own digital models and scenes with step-by-step instruction and fun and practical examples, while you draw inspiration from the striking examples included from talented Maya users. You�ll create a simple animation of the planets in the solar system, learn to model a human hand and a decorative box�among other projects�and master all essential tools.
Introduction to Maya 2012
In this series of lessons, we will help you get a strong understanding of Maya and how it works. You'll get the chance to work with many of the Maya instructors here at Digital-Tutors who will show you how to use some of the major components of Maya. In this course, we'll start by giving you the foundational skills and vocabulary you'll need in order to move around within Maya, and then we'll jump right into the Modeling section of the course. After completing the Modeling section, you'll get the chance try your hand at Texturing, Rigging, Animation, Dynamics, and finally, Lighting and Rendering your own animation. Our goal is not to weigh you down with technical information, but rather to help you form good habits and strong workflows so you can become a proficient Maya artist.
Digital-Tutors Introduction to Maya 2012
In this series of lessons, we will help you get a strong understanding of Maya and how it works. You'll get the chance to work with many of the Maya instructors here at Digital-Tutors who will show you how to use some of the major components of Maya. In this course, we'll start by giving you the foundational skills and vocabulary you'll need in order to move around within Maya, and then we'll jump right into the Modeling section of the course. After completing the Modeling section, you'll get the chance try your hand at Texturing, Rigging, Animation, Dynamics, and finally, Lighting and Rendering your own animation. Our goal is not to weigh you down with technical information, but rather to help you form good habits and strong workflows so you can become a proficient Maya artist.
Modeling and Texturing Techniques with Maya and Mudbox - Free eBook Modeling and Texturing Techniques with Maya and Mudbox - Download ebook Modeling and Texturing Techniques with Maya and Mudbox free