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Essentials of Abnormal Psychology

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EBook Category Category: Psychology

EBook Description: In this briefer version of Durand and Barlow�s widely taught text, the authors explain abnormal psychology through their standard-setting integrative approach�the most modern, scientifically valid method for studying the subject. Through this integrative approach, students learn that psychological disorders are rarely caused by a single influence, but rooted in the interaction among multiple factors: biological, psychological, cultural, social, familial, and even political. A conversational writing style, consistent pedagogy, video clips of real clients (located on the accompanying Abnormal Psychology Live 2.5 CD-ROM), and real case profiles�95 percent from the authors� own case files�provide a realistic context for the scientific findings of the book. In addition, these features ensure that readers never lose sight of the fact that real people are beyond the DSM-IV-TR criteria, the theories, and the research.

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Essentials of Abnormal Psychology

In this briefer version of Durand and Barlow's widely taught text, the authors explain abnormal psychology through their standard-setting integrative approach--the most modern, scientifically valid method for studying the subject. Through this integrative approach, students learn that psychological disorders are rarely caused by a single influence, but rooted in the interaction among multiple factors: biological, psychological, cultural, social, familial, and even political. A conversational writing style, consistent pedagogy, video clips of real clients (located on the accompanying Abnormal Psychology Live 2.5 CD-ROM), and real case profiles--95 percent from the authors' own case files--provide a realistic context for the scientific findings of the book. In addition, these features ensure that readers never lose sight of the fact that real people are beyond the DSM-IV-TR criteria, the theories, and the research.

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