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The Dalai Lama - Ethics For The New Millennium
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?Some people are showing excitement about the new millennium, that the new millennium itself will bring new happy days. I think that?s wrong. Unless there is a new millennium inside, then the new millennium will not change much ? same days and nights, same sun and moon. The important thing is transformation, or new ways of thinking.? The Dalai Lama.
Information Assurance and Security Ethics in Complex Systems - Interdisciplinary Perspectives
The problems encountered in ensuring that modern computing systems are used appropriately cannot be solved with technology alone, nor can they be addressed independent of the underlying computational fabric. Instead, they require an informed, multidisciplinary approach, especially when considering issues of security, privacy, assurance, and crime. Information Assurance and Security Ethics in Complex Systems: Interdisciplinary Perspectives offers insight into social and ethical challenges presented by modern technology.
Aimed at students and practitioners in the rapidly growing field of information assurance and security, this book address issues of privacy, access, safety, liability and reliability in a manner that asks readers to think about how the social context is shaping technology and how technology is shaping social context and, in so doing, to rethink conceptual boundaries.
The Ethics and Other Works
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Professional Ethics and Etiquette
Developing professional habits and manners is more important now than ever. Professional Ethics and Etiquette, Second Edition (the previous edition was titled Self-Development) helps students see how a professional is characterized not only by his or her technical skills, but also by the way in which he or she interacts with others. This book shows students how to determine different personality types (including their own) and how cultivating qualities such as fairness, attentiveness, modesty, and mutual respect in communication leads to productive and professional relationships.
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