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The Bar Method - Accelerated Workout & Change Your Body! Read more:

EBook NameThe Bar Method - Accelerated Workout & Change Your Body! Read more:
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Ebook Added On Added On: 21-Sep-2011
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EBook Category Category: Body

EBook Description: The Bar Method - Accelerated Workout & Change Your Body! The Bar Method integrates the fat-burning format of interval training, the muscle shaping technique of isometrics, the elongating principles of dance conditioning, and the science of physical therapy to create a revolutionary workout that quickly and safely reshapes your entire body. Its unique non-impact exercises target all major muscle groups and improve posture. The result is a recognizable Bar Method body featuring long, lean thighs, sculpted arms, a lifted seat and flat abs. The Bar Method - Accelerated Workout - 55:57 This is the "advanced" Bar Method program -- it focuses less on teaching the basic moves and more on movement variety/intensity. The Bar Method intermixes challenging versions of traditional toning moves with unique pulse and isometric exercises. Its a surprisingly tough workout you get elements of ballet, Pilates, Callanetics, stretching and traditional body-sculpting. Most moves isolate a single muscle group, working it in a variety of ways (e.g. a squat done on tip-toes increases intensity, isolates the quadriceps ... and improves balance). Other results-boosting techniques include short pulses, varied-tempo reps and multi-plane exercises. This "advanced" program is harder than "Bar Method Change Your Body" -- it's faster paced, has longer range of motions and lots of subtle level boosters. Burr Leonards cuing is exceptionally clear and detailed (like Pilates, The Bar Method demands discipline, control and precise form). Requires 2 to 4 lb. dumbbells and a ballet barre (or just a sturdy chair). 2008.

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