Inside the Global EconomyInside the Global Economy
Created by an international team, this series offers a multinational perspective on how the global economy and market affect individuals, businesses, and industry. The series features 26 case studies, with follow-up analysis, from more than 20 countries, balancing widely held American views with opinions from around the globe and allowing comparison of the strategies used in international economics today.
Basics of Engineering Economy
This text covers the basic techniques and applications of engineering economy for all disciplines in the engineering profession. The writing style emphasizes brief, crisp coverage of the principle or technique discussed in order to reduce the time taken to present and grasp the essentials. The objective of the text is to explain and demonstrate the principles and techniques of engineering economic analysis as applied in different fields of engineering. This brief text includes coverage of multiple attribute evaluation for instructors who want to include non-economic dimensions in alternative evaluation and the discussion of risk considerations in the appendix, compared to Blanks comprehensive text, where these topics are discussed in two unique chapters.
"Good Advice for a Bad Economy"
The economy can go from smooth sailing to stormy weather, seemingly without warning. And since both the national and global economies have encountered some rainy days recently, readers are anxious for advice on how to avoid getting soaked.
Brave New World Economy
The global finance system can be regulated to prevent massive credit fraud, tame capitalism, confront the sovereign debt crisis, and move towards investing in the real economy and full employment. �Obamanomics�, and American reinvention can lead to a sustained economic recovery but only together with major domestic, European, and global monetary reforms in cooperation with emerging nations. For decades, the U.S. dollar has served as the world�s reserve currency. But after the global market meltdown and the resulting massive stimulus spending meant to keep the Great Recession from becoming an even Greater Depression, confidence in America�s ability to make good on its growing debt is at all-time lows.
Stabilizing an Unstable Economy
In his seminal work, Minsky presents his groundbreaking financial theory of investment, one that is startlingly relevant today. He explains why the American economy has experienced periods of debilitating inflation, rising unemployment, and marked slowdowns-and why the economy is now undergoing a credit crisis that he foresaw. Stabilizing an Unstable Economy covers: * The natural inclination of complex, capitalist economies toward instability * Booms and busts as unavoidable results of high-risk lending practices * �Speculative finance� and its effect on investment and asset prices * Government's role in bolstering consumption during times of high unemployment * The need to increase Federal Reserve oversight of banks
The Social Economy:
This book gathers together material on the social economy from around the world. The Social Economy is a topic of considerable contemporary research and policy interest. From creches to environmental services, from consumer cooperatives to social housing, governments in many countries have begun to introduce legislation to support social enterprises. Taking case studies from Australasia, Europe, North America and Latin America, this book outlines the different ways that the social economy takes place according to locally specific factors. It argues that, against the low expectations of some critics in many countries the case evidence is plentiful that social enterprise work compares favorably with the best experience in the state and private sector.
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Essentials of Macroeconomics
In Macroeconomics the object is to study the performance, structure and behavior of a national or regional economy as a whole. The textbook provides a comprehensive overview of all facets from Macroeconomics.
Essentials of Microeconomics
In this textbook you can read about how to develop models that describes how an economy works. The book provides a comprehensive overview of all facets from Microeconomics.
Starting with the market, consumers and producers followed by demand and production. You can also read about Monopoly, Price discrimination and Game theory.
Business Cycles and Financial Crises
This book critically reviews literature on business cycles and financial crises. It starts with an investigation of issues concerning the existence and nature of business cycles. It then examines Minsky�s financial instability hypothesis and the role of the financial sector in generating business cycles and considers the implications for bank regulation and supervision. Written at a level suitable for graduate students, the book brings together the literature from monetary and financial economics with that on business cycles (533 characters).
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