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Step 1 CenterPrep 2010 Microbiology
The kaplan videos are the brand new editions from the 2010 course, for use with the new green revision notes. Coming to a total of 210 hours of video.They have been completely revised from the 2007 versions, and have been refilmed in crystal clear high-definition
Foundations In Microbiology
Written with the non-major/allied health student in mind, the authors use common, everyday analogies to explain the many difficult microbiology concepts.
Sherris Medical Microbiology
This will continue to be a popular textbook, primarily due to the well-designed figures and pictures in all chapters. It is one of the better textbooks I have seen for teaching the basics of medical microbiology."--Doody's Review Service
For more than a quarter-of-a-century Sherris has been unmatched in its ability to help you understand the nature of microorganisms and their role in the maintenance of health or causation of disease. Through a dynamic, engaging approach, this classic text gives you a solid grasp of the significance of etiologic agents, the pathogenic processes, epidemiology, and the basis of therapy for infectious diseases.
Fundamentals of Microbiology
The Ninth Edition of this classic text provides a firm foundation in microbiology with an emphasis on human disease. It is written for students in nursing and allied health programs and is appropriate for non-majors microbiology courses. With all of the pedagogical elements and student-friendly ancillaries that Dr. Pommerville is known for, this latest edition provides numerous new updates and additions, including the latest disease data and statistics, added material on emerging disease outbreaks, and expanded use of concept maps and much more.
The brand new author team of Prescott, Harley and Klein's Microbiology continues the tradition of past editions by providing a balanced, comprehensive introduction to all major areas of microbiology. Because of this balance, the Seventh Edition of Microbiology is appropriate for microbiology majors and mixed majors courses. The new authors have focused on readability, artwork, and the integration of several key themes (including evolution, ecology and diversity) throughout the text, making an already superior text even better.
Principles of Microbiology
Prescotts Principles of Microbiology continues in the tradition of the market leading Prescott, Harley, and Kleins Microbiology. In using the 7th edition of PHKs Microbiology as the foundation for the development of Principles, the authors have presented a streamlined, briefer discussion of the broad discipline of microbiology and have focused on readability and the integration of several key themes with an emphasis on evolution, ecology and diversity throughout the text. To accomplish this, each chapter focuses on key concepts and includes only the most relevant, up-to-date examples.
Medical Microbiology
For more than a quarter-of-a-century Sherris has been unmatched in its ability to help you understand the nature of microorganisms and their role in the maintenance of health or causation of disease. Through a dynamic, engaging approach, this classic text gives you a solid grasp of the significance of etiologic agents, the pathogenic processes, epidemiology, and the basis of therapy for infectious diseases
Principles of Microbiology
Principles of Microbiology continues in the tradition of the market leading Prescott, Harley, and Klein�s Microbiology. In using the 7th edition of PHK�s Microbiology as the foundation for the development of Principles, the authors have presented a streamlined, briefer discussion of the broad discipline of microbiology and have focused on readability and the integration of several key themes with an emphasis on evolution, ecology and diversity throughout the text. To accomplish this, each chapter focuses on key concepts and includes only the most relevant, up-to-date examples.
Unique to Principles is the inclusion of microbial pathogens into the diversity chapters (chapters 19-24). Thus when students read about the metabolic and genetic diversity of each bacterial, protist, and viral taxon, they are also presented with the important pathogens. In this way, the physiological adaptations that make a given organism successful can be immediately related to its role as a pathogen and pathogens can be readily compared to phylogenetically similar microbes.
Advances in Applied Microbiology
widely read and authoritative review sources in microbiology. The series contains comprehensive reviews of the most current research in applied microbiology. Recent areas covered include bacterial diversity in the human gut, protozoan grazing of freshwater biofilms, metals in yeast fermentation processes and the interpretation of host-pathogen dialogue through microarrays. Eclectic volumes are supplemented by thematic volumes on various topics, including Archaea and sick building syndrome. Impact factor for 2009: 1.860.
Soil Microbiology and Sustainable Crop Production
Soils into which crop plants root and from which they obtain essential minerals and water contain huge arrays of microbes. Many have highly beneficial effects on crop growth and productivity, others are pathogens causing diseases and losses to yield and quality, a few microbes offer protection from these pathogenic forms and others have little or no effect. These intimate and often complex inter-relationships are being explored with increasing success providing exciting opportunities for increasing crop yields and quality in sustainable harmony with the populations of beneficial soil microbes and to the detriment of pathogens. This book explores current knowledge for each of these aspects of soil microbiology and indicates where future progress is most likely to aid in increasing crop productivity by means which are environmentally benign and beneficial.
Microbiology: A Systems Approach - Free eBook Microbiology: A Systems Approach - Download ebook Microbiology: A Systems Approach free