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Canvas Pocket Reference Scripted Graphics for HTML5

EBook NameCanvas Pocket Reference Scripted Graphics for HTML5
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EBook Category Category: HTML / CSS

EBook Description: The Canvas element is a revolutionary feature of HTML5 that enables powerful graphics for rich Internet applications, and this pocket reference provides the essentials you need to put this element to work. If you have working knowledge of JavaScript, this book will help you create detailed, interactive, and animated graphics - from charts to animations to video games - whether you're a web designer or a programmer interested in graphics. Canvas Pocket Reference provides both a tutorial that covers all of the element's features with plenty of examples and a definitive reference to each of the Canvas-related classes, methods, and properties.

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Canvas Pocket Reference Scripted Graphics for HTML5 - Free eBook Canvas Pocket Reference Scripted Graphics for HTML5 - Download ebook Canvas Pocket Reference Scripted Graphics for HTML5 free

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