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Using HTML5 to Design Web Apps for Tablets and Smartphones

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EBook Category Category: HTML / CSS

EBook Description: Would you like to build one mobile web application that works on iPad and Kindle Fire as well as iPhone and Android smartphones? This introductory guide to jQuery Mobile shows you how. Through a series of hands-on exercises, you'll learn the best ways to use this framework's many interface components to build customizable, multiplatform apps. You don't need any programming skills or previous experience with jQuery to get started. By the time you finish this book, you'll know how to create responsive, Ajax-based interfaces that work on a variety of smartphones and tablets, using jQuery Mobile and semantic HTML5 code

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Whether you're building web pages, mobile apps, or desktop apps, you need to learn HTML5 and CSS3. So why wait? Hello! HTML5 & CSS3 is a smart, snappy, and fun way to get started now.

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