Installing ASP.NET
Easy ASP tutorial explaining how to install
Sending Email with ASP.Net 2.0
The first thing you'll notice is that the namespace has changed from System.Web.Mail to System.Net.Mail. Also, now, to get the email working, there are two classes that need to be addressed:
* MailMessage()
* SmtpClient()
Creating an AJAX Scribble application
ASP.NET Atlas is a rich set of client side and server side libraries to develop AJAX-style applications using ASP.NET. This tutorial (and probably more in this series) attempts to provide a general view of the features available in Atlas. Since, Atlas is a very vast library this very first tutorial concentrates on two most important features of Atlas:
1. Ability to call server side web services from client side scripts
2. Ease of developing cross-browser compatible JavaScript code
GridView Examples for ASP.NET 2.0
This article illustrates how to accomplish a number of common tasks with the Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 GridView control. Each task is accompanied by a description of the new concepts covered, and the complete working examples are available for download with this article.
ASP.NET Resource Center
ASP.NET is one of the most popular Internet and Web development tools in use today. Our ASP.NET Resource Center focuses on the vast amount of free ASP.NET content available online, plus some for-sale items
31 Technical Tutorial Articles on .NET Security
The following are 31 technical articles and tutorials provided by covering many areas of security for Microsoftt's .Net technology and framework. If you are developing using dotNet it would probably be a good thing to review these and read the ones that you need to understand.
31 Technical Tutorial Articles on .NET Security
The following are 31 technical articles and tutorials provided by covering many areas of security for Microsoftt's .Net technology and framework. If you are developing using dotNet it would probably be a good thing to review these and read the ones that you need to understand.
ASP.NET Tutorials and Tips
The ASP.NET QuickStart is a series of ASP.NET samples and supporting commentary designed to quickly acquaint developers with the syntax, architecture, and power of the ASP.NET Web programming framework.
ASPNET Server Controls
Here are a few tips on ASPDOTNET Server controls....
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Are you looking for outsourcing to India? DotNetSpider team has established a world class outsourcing services company in India, offering quality software development and services. Take advantage of our low offshore rates.
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