SAS Analyst for Windows tutorial
First-time users are often daunted by the necessity of working with complex computer syntax in order to perform even the most elementary kinds of statistical analysis. However, the new release of SAS has a number of new features that promise to make SAS more user-friendly. In particular, the current version of SAS has a substantially enhanced windows-driven interface that allows you to point and click your way through many tasks that previously required knowledge of SAS programming syntax.
Blood Coagulation
The ability of the body to control the flow of blood following vascular injury is paramount to continued survival. The process of blood clotting and then the subsequent dissolution of the clot, following repair of the injured tissue, is termed hemostasis
Scientists have conceived of a number of approaches to harness fusion--the source of energy that heats the stars--as a future nonpolluting energy source. These web pages explore one potential route, called inertial confinement fusion, providing a largely nontechnical introduction to the technology
The appearance or shape of the Moon gradually changes through the course of a month. This cycle, the cycle of lunar phases, may be explained if we make the following assumptions:
cells, molecules, genes,functional genomics, microarrays
This is a brief introduction to molecular biology with emphasis on genomics and bioinformatics. It is intended for scientists, engineers, computer programmers, or anybody with background or strong interest in science, but without background in biology, and first of all for those joining the EBI .
Calling A Server Script
Without the ability to perform server transactions, WML would only serve to provide a standardized way to display text on a client. Adding in the ability to dynamically connect to remote servers opens up every WAP device to the world of Internet messaging, enterprise data, and e-commerce. WAP devices interact with these data sources through a WAP gateway as mentioned in our WAP Overview tutorial.
Science Fair Studio
Once you've selected your topic, it's time to begin your research. Check out this list for a
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Unix for Poets!
The hope is that after reading this you can get a better sense of things that made you scratch your head, so that when you go back to the man pages or to your O�Reilly book, the sentences they use make more sense to you.
Beginning Unix & SSH Tutorial
UNIX is an operating system just like DOS, OS/2, and Macintosh OS are operating systems. UNIX differs from other operating systems in that it is more efficient at handling multiple users. Unfortunately, UNIX is not quite as user friendly as a Macintosh computer so you have to spend a little time learning seemingly cryptic commands
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