Rare Medical Books
Scott Memorial Library's Special Collections house over 5,000 rare medical texts for use by researchers.
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The catalog is full of health and medical books and medical videos in a variety of categories for doctors, nurses, students, and consumers. Medical books and videos are available on drugs, diseases, best practice, pregnancy, general health, safety, psychology, counseling, and much more
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*Medical Journal Retracts Oral Cancer Studies Linked to Fraud
*Southern Medical Journal Publishes Studies On Healthcare Disparities
*Southern Medical Journal Publishes Studies on Healthcare Disparities
*Medical journal: More than 600,000 Iraqis dead because of war**
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Free books for Doctors...Promoting free access to medical books
What is Ayurveda?
# Simple definition
# Origin
# Meaning
* Mind, Body and Senses
* Soul
# Principles
# Conclusion
Tuberculosis 2007
Tuberculosis 2007 is a medical textbook that provides a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of research, diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis.
Pocket Atlas of Histology
Pocket Atlas of Histology
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