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Detailed ASP.NET
Here we shall study complete ASP.NET in asimple and a well built form.
Software Engineering for Internet Applications
A twelve-year-old can build a nice Web application using the tools that came standard with any Linux or Windows machine. Thus it is worth asking ourselves, 'What is challenging, interesting, and inspiring about Internet-based applications?'
Domain Driven Design Quickly
Software design is an art, and like any art it cannot be taught and learned as a precise science, by means of theorems and formulas. We can discover principles and techniques useful to be applied throughout the process of software creation, but we probably won't ever be able to provide an exact path to follow from the real world need to the code module meant to serve that need. Like a picture or a building, a software product will include the personal touch of those who designed and developed it, something of the charisma and flair (or the lack of it) of those who contributed to its inception and growth.
A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, Third Edition
A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) 2000 Edition is now available in eight additional languages to help project managers around the world.
Each of PMI's official translations includes a bilingual glossary of newly translated and standardized project management terminology. This allows candidates to study the guide in the same language in which they plan to take the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification exam.
PMI undertook a rigorous, year-long process to ensure the maximum effectiveness of each official translation. Each translation team included qualified bilingual PMPs as well as professional translators and editors.
Official translations: Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Korean, German and Italian.
Handbook of Software Reliability Engineering
Broader in scope than other books, this compendium is the last word on software reliability engineering from some of the field's most prestigious innovators at institutions like AT&T, NCR, and IBM. Using this guide, software developers, designers, and project managers, high-level applications programmers and designers, and students will be able to tap into an unparalleled repository of accumulated experience and expertise. Besides including pertinent background information, this handbook covers the latest techniques and practices in a wide range of applications, including metrics, testing schemes, and fault-tolerant software. Benchmark case studies from major companies also are included. Far and away, the most comprehensive and up-to-date professional resource available.
Perspectives on Free and Open Source Software
What is the status of the Free and Open Source Software (F/OSS) revolution? Has the creation of software that can be freely used, modified, and redistributed transformed industry and society, as some predicted, or is this transformation still a work in progress? Perspectives on Free and Open Source Software brings together leading analysts and researchers to address this question, examining specific aspects of F/OSS in a way that is both scientifically rigorous and highly relevant to real-life managerial and technical concerns.
The book analyzes a number of key topics: the motivation behind F/OSS -- why highly skilled software developers devote large amounts of time to the creation of 'free' products and services; the objective, empirically grounded evaluation of software -- necessary to counter what one chapter author calls the 'steamroller' of F/OSS hype; the software engineering processes and tools used in specific projects, including Apache, GNOME, and Mozilla; the economic and business models that reflect the changing relationships between users and firms, technical communities and firms, and between competitors; and legal, cultural, and social issues, including one contribution that suggests parallels between 'open code' and 'open society' and another that points to the need for understanding the movement's social causes and consequences.
Recommended Approach to Software Development
Recommended Approach to Software Development
Distributed revision control with Mercurial
Revision control is the process of managing multiple versions of a piece of information. In its simplest form, this is something that many people do by hand: every time you modify a file, save it under a new name that contains a number, each one higher than the number of the preceding version.
Manually managing multiple versions of even a single file is an error-prone task, though, so software tools to help automate this process have long been available. The earliest automated revision control tools were intended to help a single user to manage revisions of a single file. Over the past few decades, the scope of revision control tools has expanded greatly; they now manage multiple files, and help multiple people to work together. The best modern revision control tools have no problem coping with thousands of people working together on projects that consist of hundreds of thousands of files.
C.R.U.I.S.E - Component Reuse in Software Engineering
Since the time that software development started to be discussed within the industry, researchers and practitioners have been searching for methods, techniques and tools that would allow for improvements in costs, time-to-market and quality. Thus, an envisioned scenario was that managers, analysts, architects, developers and testers would avoid performing the same activities over and over, i.e., a set of reusable assets would be used to solve recurring problems. In this way, costs would be decreased, because the time that would have been necessary to repeat an activity could be invested in others relevant tasks.
The final objective envisioned in this scenario was very clear: to make something once and to reuse it several times. Thus, the people involved with software development started to explore the idea of reuse, in which experience, design, and, primarily, source code, could be copied from its original context to be reused in a new situation. The first efforts rendered successful stories, which helped to spread the principles of software reuse. The benefits, however, were being mostly achieved in an ad-hoc or opportunistic fashion. It was not clear why reuse was being achieved and, more importantly, how to achieve it again in other scenarios.
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