Topical Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
A downloadable Encyclopedia of topics in modern and current philosophy.
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Explore the Unrevealed & Unknown!
A Short History of Philosophy
FREE BOOK for reading and download: "A Short History of Philosophy" by Paul Gerard Horrigan, Ph.D
Philosophical Musings and Essays
by Sam Vaknin. More than 150 essays about various topics in current philosophy.
The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy by Jacob Burckhardt
A classic work on the Italian Renaissance formatted as a PDF in landscape format with large-sized text. Some illustrations.
The Existence of God
Free book for reading and download: "The Existence of God" by Paul Gerard Horrigan, Ph.D. The subject matter regards the highest branch of metaphysics: Philosophy of God.
50 important interview questions
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digital electronics
A good collection of concepts :: from basic to advanced related to Digital Electronics, specially written for technical persons and college students.
Parallel Port Programming
Parallel port is a very commonly known port, widely used to connect the printer to the PC. If you see backside of your computer, there will be a port having 25 pins. That port is known as LPT port or printer port. We can program this port for device control and data transfer. In this article, we will learn basics of parallel port and programming the parallel port.
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Introduction to Philosophy by Paul Gerard Horrigan, Ph.D - Free eBook
Introduction to Philosophy by Paul Gerard Horrigan, Ph.D - Download ebook
Introduction to Philosophy by Paul Gerard Horrigan, Ph.D free