The Koran
An online version which is searchable.
How to Raise Your Self-Esteem Using Proven Biblical
Designed to be an individual or group project to raise self-esteem. Based on Dr. Russell's doctoral project, where self-esteem was raised 22 percent--documented by psychological testing.
The Woman's Bible
The Woman's Bible, written by famous 19th Century feminist Elizabeth Cady Stanton and a "Revising Committee", is one of the first attempts by women to evaluate the Judeo-Christian legacy and its impact on women through history.
"Why Celibacy?"
This e-Book addresses the question of the biblical foundations of priestly and religious celibacy in the Catholic Church.
'The Little Book of Enlightenment'
A brief explanation of the Buddhist concept of enlightenment.
. . . And Some Have Mansions
Following the victims of a coach crash in their transition into the afterlife, we visit various planes of consciousness. Written from eighty years of experiences in and out of the body by Gladys Franklin - provides much explanation on the meaning of life.
101 Free Things Of Interest To Christians
Not just Christian free stuff, but all sorts of things of interest to Christians.
45 Favorite Litanies
FREE BOOK for reading and download: 45 Favorite Litanies
Apologetic on Universal Reconciliation or Salvation
An Apologetic on Universal Reconciliation or Salvation. It takes a Philosophical, Theological look at the Old & New Testament Scriptures, when traced through the Original Languages. It examines the question, Will God REALLY Be All-In-All?
A Christian Philosophy of Education
Contains an outline of the successful philosophy of education that our nation followed from its inception through the beginning of the twentieth century. It is a unique, refined approach that outscores "secular" schools on standardized tests.
Witchcraft Dictionary - Free eBook
Witchcraft Dictionary - Download ebook
Witchcraft Dictionary free