Astronomy EBooks
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"The Impact of HST on European Astronomy": The Hubble Space Telescope has facilitated major contributions to a wide range of topics in astronomy: The study of nearby planets The processes of star and planet formation The stellar and interstellar components of galaxies The discovery that most, if not all, galactic nuclei harbor a massive black hole that profoundly affects their evolution The realisation that the universe as a whole is undergoing acceleration as a result of a yet unknown form of "dark energy".
This volume offers a broad perspective of the advancements made possible by the HST over its almost two decades of operation and emphasises their impact on European astronomical research. These proceedings of 41st symposium in the ESLAB series of the European Space Agency collect the oral and poster papers that were presented and discussed during the meeting Date Added: 7/29/2011 5:18:01 AM | Visits: 33425 |
The Moon (Early Bird Astronomy): This lively and informative book introduces beginning readers to the Moon's orbit around Earth, phases of the Moon and eclipses, the Moon's effect on tides, and more. Date Added: 7/29/2011 5:17:25 AM | Visits: 34356 |
Galaxy Formation (Astronomy and Astrophysics Library): Accounting for the enormous and amazing development cosmology has made in the past ten years, this long awaited second edition of Malcolm Longair's highly appreciated textbook has been extensively and thoroughly updated. It tells the story of modern astrophysical cosmology from the perspective of one of its most important and fundamental problems � how did the galaxies come about? Longair uses this approach to introduce the whole of what may be called "classical cosmology". Moreover he describes how the study of the origin of galaxies and larger-scale structures in the Universe has provided us with unique and direct information about the physics of the very early Universe. The material is presented in an informal pedagogical manner. This includes a comprehensive introduction to relativistic astrophysics needed for the clarification of cosmological ideas. Date Added: 7/29/2011 5:15:56 AM | Visits: 33367 |
A Dictionary of Quotations on Physics and Astronomy: Physically Speaking: A Dictionary of Quotations on Physics and Astronomy provides the largest published collection of quotations pertaining to physics and astronomy. Some quotes are profound, others are wise, some are witty but none are frivolous. Here you will find quotations from the most famous to the unknown. The extensive author and subject indexes provide you with the perfect tool for locating quotations for practical use or pleasure, and you will soon enjoy discovering what others have said on topics ranging from anti-matter to x-rays. Date Added: 7/29/2011 5:15:04 AM | Visits: 34742 |
"Physically Speaking: A Dictionary of Quotations on Physics and Astronomy": Physically Speaking: A Dictionary of Quotations on Physics and Astronomy provides the largest published collection of quotations pertaining to physics and astronomy. Some quotes are profound, others are wise, some are witty but none are frivolous. Here you will find quotations from the most famous to the unknown. The extensive author and subject indexes provide you with the perfect tool for locating quotations for practical use or pleasure, and you will soon enjoy discovering what others have said on topics ranging from anti-matter to x-rays.
This book can be read for pleasure or used as a handy reference by students, scientific readers, and the more general reader who is interested in who has said what on physics and astronomy. Date Added: 7/29/2011 5:13:56 AM | Visits: 33112 |
Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology: Starting with the description of our home galaxy the Milky Way, this cogently written textbook introduces the reader to the astronomy of galaxies, their structure, active galactic nuclei, evolution and large scale distribution. Then, from the extensive and thorough introduction to modern observational and theoretical cosmology, the text turns to the formation of structures and astronomical objects in the early universe. The basics of classical astronomy and stellar astrophysics needed for extragalactic astronomy are given in the appendix. Date Added: 7/29/2011 5:12:12 AM | Visits: 34420 |
> Make Time for the Stars: Astronomy: Many amateur astronomers are short of time. A full-time career usually takes up most waking hours, and there very often simply isn�t time for leisurely observing sessions, at least a few hours� sleep being something of an imperative during the week. Fortunately, modern technological advances such as computer-controlled telescopes equipped with GPS, north-seeking and level detection, have made setting up a telescope much quicker. Today�s imaging systems enable time-pressed astronomers to take excellent astrophotographs of many objects without the hours-long exposures that used to be a feature of this aspect of astronomy. This book explains what to attempt in a short timescale (and what not to), and how to use today�s top-value commercially-made equipment to get the most astronomy out of the least time. Date Added: 7/29/2011 5:10:25 AM | Visits: 33578 |
Astronomy: The word �astronomy� comes from a combination of two Greek words: astron, meaning �star� and nemein, meaning �to name.� Even though the beginnings of astronomy go back thousands of years before the ancient Greeks began studying the stars, the science of astronomy has always been based on the same principle of �naming the stars.� Many of the names come directly from the Greeks, since they were the first astronomers to make a systematic catalog of all the stars they could see. A number of early civilizations remembered the relative positions of the stars by putting together groups that seemed to make patterns in the night sky. One of these looked like a curling river, so it was called Eridanus, the Great River; another looked like a hunter with a bright belt and dagger and was called Orion, the Hunter. Stars are now named according to their placement inside the pattern and graded according to brightness. For example, the brightest star in the constellation Scorpius is called a Scorpii, because a is the first letter in the Greek alphabet. It is also called Antares, which means �the rival of Mars,� because it shines bright red in the night sky and strongly resembles the blood-red planet Mars Date Added: 7/29/2011 5:09:54 AM | Visits: 34498 |
Earth (Early Bird Astronomy): Readers will learn about Earth, the third planet from the sun. Engaging and accessible text presents our planet's distinguishing features, its position in relation to the rest of the solar system, its composition and atmospheric conditions, its moon and the lunar cycle, and how scientists have learned about Earth and the moon through space missions. Color photos and diagrams enhance the text. Date Added: 7/29/2011 5:06:28 AM | Visits: 34138 |
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