Browsers EBooks
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Google Chrome 5.0.375.38 Beta: Google Chrome ?Web Browser production Google open source, which combines support for Web applications and easy search with high speed and stability. In Chrome used operating time Apple WebKit and Mozilla Firefox. Of the features of Chrome developers all insist isolated tabs that prevent the failure of the program and provide more protection from dangerous sites. In addition, the Chrome introduces a new engine javascript V8, which enables the browser to work with Web applications, the new generation.
Google Chrome includes many functions, controlling which webmasters can improve the convenience for end users. In Google Chrome, embedded software for Gears, enabling webmasters to take advantage of the API, for example, the function of storage offline. In addition, Google Chrome your web application does not differ from the 揹esktop?software, because the browser can run in a mode with the bare-bones user interface ?which displays only one title.
Speed: Browser starts quickly and easily download webpage Google Chrome, you quickly discover your desktop. Google Chrome instantly loads a web page. Google Chrome handles interactive web pages, web applications and javascript code with unprecedented speed.
Simplicity: the browser is designed based on the requirements of efficiency and convenience To search and navigation using a single window. The tabs can be placed in any order ?quickly and easily. Favorite sites are always at hand: their thumbnail images are displayed on the page shortcuts.
Date Added: 10/29/2010 5:03:00 AM | Visits: 32926 |
Browsers and Plugins Collection (September 2009): What you need is just an internet connection. Rest is here for browsing the whole world, playing flash games online or watching movies on YouTube.
Contents: Adobe Air 1.5.2 Avant Browser 11.7 Build 39 Firefox 3.5.3 Flash Player (IE) Flash Player (Non-IE) Flock 2.5.2 Google Chrome Beta Google Toolbar 5.0.2009.0324b (Firefox) Google Toolbar 6.1.1518.856 (IE) Google Web Accelerator 0.2.70 Internet Explorer 8.0 (Vista) Internet Explorer 8.0 (XP) K-Meleon 1.5.3 Maxthon Netscape Opera 10.0 Safari 4.0.3 SeaMonkey 2.0 Beta 2 Shockwave Player Silverlight 3.0.40818
Date Added: 10/29/2010 5:02:07 AM | Visits: 34013 |
BEST Browsers and Plugins Collection August 2010: BEST Browsers and Plugins Collection August 2010 | 156 Mb
Collection :
Adobe AIR Avant Browser 2010 Build 107 Mozilla Firefox 3.6.8 Mozilla Firefox 3.5.11 Adobe Flash Player (IE) Adobe Flash Player (Non-IE) Flock 2.6.1 Google Chrome 5.0.375.125 Internet Explorer 8.0 (Vista) Internet Explorer 8.0 (XP) Internet Explorer 9 Platform 1.9.7916.6000 Preview 4 ( Vista - Seven ) IE7pro 2.5.1 ( add-on for Internet Explorer ) Opera 10.60 ( Build 3445 ) Apple Safari 5.0.1 (33.17.8) Netscape Navigator TheWorld Browser Orca Browser 1.2 Build 6 Maxthon Comodo Dragon
Date Added: 10/29/2010 4:45:38 AM | Visits: 35011 |
All Essential Browsers Collection 2010: All Essential Browsers Collection All Essential Browsers Collection AIO ~::Contains::~ 1. Mozilla Firefox v3.6.6 2. Internet Explorer 8 3. Google Chrome Dev7 4. Opera v10.61 5. Maxthon v3.0.17 6. AOL Explorer v1.5 7. Flock Browser v2.6.1 8. K-Meleon v1.5.4 9. MSN Explorer v5.50 10.Safari v5.0 11.Netscape v9.0 12.Avant Browser v11.7 Build 46 13.Slim Browser v5.00 Build 092 14.The World Browser v2.4
Date Added: 10/29/2010 4:43:53 AM | Visits: 33747 |
Web Browsers AIO -: IO Contains:
- Google Chrome Beta - Avant Browser 11.7 Build 41 - Maxthon Beta - Internet Explorer 8 x86 - Firefox 3.6 Beta 2 - Netscape - K-Meleon 1.5.3 - Safari 4.0.4 - Flock 2.5.5 - Opera 10.01
Date Added: 10/29/2010 4:42:42 AM | Visits: 33184 |
Internet Browsers AiO 2oo9 New: All-In-One Internet Browsers Contents: -Internet Explorer v7 -Mozilla FireFox v3.7 -Avant Browsers v11.7 Build 22 -Netscape Navigator v9 -Opera v10 -WebGoo v5 -Google Chrome v2 -Flock v2
Date Added: 10/29/2010 4:41:21 AM | Visits: 32844 |
Browsers and Plugins Collection (2010): Browsers and Plugins Collection (2010)
Postby shahidksr_1122 � Sun Oct 24, 2010 1:26 pm Browsers and Plugins Collection (2010)
Browsers and Plugins Collection (2010) | 170.69 MB
What you need is just an internet connection. Rest is here for browsing the whole world, playing flash games online or watching movies on YouTube.
Date Added: 10/29/2010 4:39:59 AM | Visits: 32505 |
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