Cooking EBooks
Free Cooking EBooks for Download
Below we have listed all the Free Cooking EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any Cooking EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
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Web, Graphics and Perl: Web, Graphics and Perl/Tk is the second volume of The Best of the Perl Journal, compiled and re-edited by the original editor and publisher of The Perl Journal, Jon Orwant. In this series, we've taken the very best (and still relevant) articles published in TPJ over its five years of publication and immortalized them into three volumes. Date Added: 7/20/2011 10:08:09 PM | Visits: 34114 |
1.Home Networking: If your household harbors more than one computer, you've probably wondered about home networking. Maybe you've gone so far as to start setting up a network and given up in frustration. Well, now you can relax. Home Networking All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies has come to the rescue! A network will make your life easier, and Home Networking All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies makes it easier to create one. It shows you how to choose the right hardware, add user accounts, get different operating systems to work together, secure your network, exchange files, add wireless devices, and even use Wi-Fi out in public. Seven individual, self-contained minibooks cover:
What a network will do for you, including a low-tech explanation of how it works Choosing a network type that will work best for your needs, and planning what equipment you'll need Installing and configuring your computers and networking gear Upgrading your equipment with the manufacturer's updates The ins and outs of using particular versions of operating systems - Windows, Mac, and Linux - with your network Step-by-step directions on connecting to networks, sharing files and printers, checking connection status, and much more Discovering networking accessories and gadgets to get the most out of your network Finding and using Wi-Fi hotspots, plus setting up your own
You'll even find troubleshooting tips to help find and fix common problems. Home Networking All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies will be your personal network assistant! Date Added: 7/18/2011 1:12:17 AM | Visits: 34924 |
7 Free Cooking eBooks: if you�re running out of ideas on what to prepare for your next meal, this site has a pretty good list of recipe ebooks for download. Some of the titles include:-
1. Ancient Chinese secret recipes. 2. Chinese cookbook 3. Appetizer ecookbook 4. Healthy cooking recipes 5. Barbeque recipes 6. Low carb cookbook 7. More chinese reciepes Date Added: 10/9/2010 12:56:18 AM | Visits: 35929 |
Over 500 Tasty Diabetic Recipes : An awesome collection of over 500 recipes! You'll find recipes for things you may have thought you couldn't have any more, like Fudge, Cakes and Cookies. Date Added: 8/12/2010 | Visits: 35164 |
1,000 + Low-Fat & Healthful Vegetarian Recipes: Easy cooking techniques and recipes for scrumptious low-fat vegetarian dishes. Delicious soups, appetizers, casseroles and entrees that sacrifice only the fat and none of the flavor. With over 1,000 tasty and delicious and tried and true vegetable recipes that are guaranteed to satisfy even the most rabid vegetable hater!
Date Added: 8/12/2010 | Visits: 33831 |
Cooking for a Crowd Made Easy: This guide covers easy entertaining from dinner ideas, menu planning, budget cooking, how to set a table, how to serve wine, table manners, buffet and tea party ideas. Date Added: 7/10/2010 | Visits: 33578 |
Apple Recipes: Apple recipes and autumn time go hand and hand. In September school's decorate their classrooms in apples, families go to apple orchards and many families bake apple pie Date Added: 11/9/2006 | Visits: 34975 |
Maria Parloa\'s Chocolate Recipes: Mouth watering choclate recipies found in this book easy to prepare... Enjoy it without missing. Date Added: 11/9/2006 | Visits: 33263 |
Cooking Tips: Here are several cooking tips which are essential for a clean healthy and attractive cooking. Date Added: 11/9/2006 | Visits: 33274 |
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