Evolution EBooks
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The Changing Earth: Exploring Geology and Evolution: THE CHANGING EARTH, a leader in the Introductory Geology course, is the only text specifically written for the combined physical and historical geology course. The Fourth Edition's content is based on the best-selling texts PHYSICAL GEOLOGY: EXPLORING THE EARTH and HISTORICAL GEOLOGY: EVOLUTION OF EARTH AND LIFE THROUGH TIME, both written by James Monroe and Reed Wicander. Briefer than the previous edition and maintaining a consistent and clear writing style throughout, the text provides a balanced coverage of physical and historical geology with engaging, real-life examples that draw students into the material. Examples in the Fourth Edition include new two-page art spreads, new paleogeographic maps, and "Geology in Unexpected Places"-a favorite feature from PHYSICAL GEOLOGY: EXPLORING THE EARTH, Fifth Edition. Known for its competitive and robust ancillary package, the Fourth Edition now features GeologyNow, the first assessment-centered student tutorial technology developed for the Geology market. The seamless integration of GeologyNow with chapter concepts emphasizes the connections between the content and students' own lives, through visual 3-D animations and chapter quizzes, helping students develop a greater appreciation for geology.
Date Added: 7/29/2011 6:39:35 AM | Visits: 32409 |
"The Evolution of the Book": Distinguished scholar and library systems innovator Frederick Kilgour tells a five-thousand-year story in this exciting work, a tale beginning with the invention of writing and concluding with the emerging electronic book. Calling on a lifetime of interest in the growth of information technology, Kilgour brings a fresh approach to the history of the book, emphasizing in rich, authoritative detail the successive technological advances that allowed the book to keep pace with ever-increasing needs for information. Borrowing a concept from evolutionary theory--the notion of punctuated equilibria--to structure his account, Kilgour investigates the book's three discrete historical forms--the clay tablet, papyrus roll, and codex--before turning to a fourth, still evolving form, the cyber book, a version promising swift electronic delivery of information in text, sound, and motion to anyone at any time. Date Added: 7/29/2011 6:38:29 AM | Visits: 33714 |
Evolution: A Scientific American Reader: From the Scopes �Monkey Trial� of 1925 to the court ruling against the Dover Area School Board�s proposed intelligent design curriculum in 2005, few scientific topics have engendered as much controversy�or grabbed as many headlines�as evolution. And since the debate shows no signs of abating, there is perhaps no better time to step back and ask: What is evolution? Defined as the gradual process by which something changes into a different and usually more complex and efficient form, evolution explains the formation of the universe, the nature of viruses Date Added: 7/29/2011 6:37:20 AM | Visits: 33738 |
Hymenoptera: Evolution, Biodiversity and Biological Control: The Hymenoptera is one of the largest orders of terrestrial arthropods and comprises the sawflies, wasps, ants, bees and parasitic wasps. Hymenoptera: Evolution, Biodiversity and Biological Control examines the current state of all major areas of research for this important group of insects, including systematics, biological control, behaviour, ecology, and physiological interactions between parasitoids and hosts. The material in this volume originates from papers presented at the Fourth International Hymenoptera Conference held in Canberra, Australia in early 1999. This material has been extensively rewritten, refereed and edited; culminating in this authoritative and comprehensive collection of review and research papers on the Hymenoptera. Date Added: 7/29/2011 6:35:13 AM | Visits: 33952 |
The Birth & Death of the Sun: Stellar Evolution and Subatomic Energy: In this fascinating book, a renowned physicist outlines the discoveries and theories that illuminate the evolution of our world. One of the founders of Big Bang theory, George Gamow employs language that�s both scientifically accurate and easy to understand as he traces the development of atomic theory. 1952 edition. 78 illustrations. Date Added: 7/29/2011 6:33:46 AM | Visits: 33651 |
Modeling Rationality, Morality, and Evolution: This collection focuses on questions that arise when morality is considered from the perspective of recent work on rational choice and evolution. Linking questions like "Is it rational to be moral?" to the evolution of cooperation in "The Prisoners Dilemma," the book brings together new work using models from game theory, evolutionary biology, and cognitive science, as well as from philosophical analysis. Among the contributors are leading figures in these fields, including David Gauthier, Paul M. Churchland, Brian Skyrms, Ronald de Sousa, and Elliot Sober. Date Added: 7/29/2011 6:32:33 AM | Visits: 35023 |
Directed Enzyme Evolution: Screening and Selection Methods: Seasoned practitioners from many leading laboratories describe their best readily reproducible screening strategies for isolating useful clones. These techniques have been optimized for sensitivity, high throughput, and robustness, and are of proven utility for directed evolution purposes. The assays presented use a variety of techniques, including genetic complementation, microtiter plates, solid-phase screens with colorimetric substrates, and flow cytometric screens. Date Added: 7/29/2011 6:31:55 AM | Visits: 33140 |
"Evolution And Palaeobiology of Pterosaurs (Geological Society Special Publication)": Pterosaurs were a peculiar group of Mesozoic vertebrates, which acquired the ability to fly in an original way, using a membrane attached to a single finger of the hand. Ever since the first description of a pterosaur skeleton in 1784, these remarkable animals have elicited much discussion and controversy among palaeontologists, and many basic questions about their origin, evolution and biology remain disputed. In the last few years, interest in pterosaurs has been revived by numerous discoveries of new and sometimes remarkably preserved specimens, which have enlarged and changed our picture of this group. The volume begins with descriptions of several new pterosaurs from the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous of Europe, North and South America, and Africa. Following this, alternative hypotheses of pterosaur phylogeny and evolution are put forward. Several papers discuss the functional anatomy of pterosaurs and its implications for aerial locomotion. The study of pterosaur footprints provides important new evidence concerning their terrestrial locomotion, and this approach is used in several contributions. A developing aspect of pterosaur research is bone histology, as shown by the final papers in this collection. Date Added: 7/29/2011 6:31:10 AM | Visits: 32611 |
Evolution: A View from the 21st Century: James A. Shapiro�s Evolution: A View from the 21st Century proposes an important new paradigm for understanding biological evolution. Shapiro demonstrates why traditional views of evolution are inadequate to explain the latest evidence, and presents a compelling alternative. His information- and systems-based approach integrates advances in symbiogenesis, epigenetics, and mobile genetic elements, and points toward an emerging synthesis of physical, information, and biological sciences. Date Added: 7/29/2011 6:01:20 AM | Visits: 32781 |
The Changing Earth Exploring Geology and Evolution: Briefer than the previous edition and maintaining a consistent and clear writing style throughout, the text provides a balanced coverage of physical and historical geology with engaging, real-life examples that draw students into the material. Examples in the Fourth Edition include new two-page art spreads, new paleogeographic maps, and "Geology in Unexpected Places"-a favorite feature from PHYSICAL GEOLOGY: EXPLORING THE EARTH, Fifth Edition. Known for its competitive and robust ancillary package, the Fourth Edition now features GeologyNow, the first assessment-centered student tutorial technology developed for the Geology market. The seamless integration of GeologyNow with chapter concepts emphasizes the connections between the content and students' own lives, through visual 3-D animations and chapter quizzes, helping students develop a greater appreciation for geology. Note: some images are not available Date Added: 7/29/2011 5:58:52 AM | Visits: 34444 |
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