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Free Excel EBooks for Download

Below we have listed all the Free Excel EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any Excel EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
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Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Bible: Learn A to Z in Microsoft Office Excel 2007

Date Added: 10/30/2010 12:13:36 AM | Visits: 35916

Formulas and Functions with Microsoft Office Excel 2007: Most Microsoft� Excel users learn only a small percentage of the
program's features. They know they could get more out of Excel if they
could just get a leg up on building formulas and using functions.
Unfortunately, this side of Excel appears complex and intimidating to
the uninitiated-shrouded in the mysteries of mathematics, finance, and
impenetrable spreadsheet jargon.
Sound familiar? If you're a businessperson who needs to use Excel as an
everyday part of your job, then you've come to the right book. Formulas
and Functions with Microsoft� Office Excel 2007 demystifies worksheet
formulas and presents the most useful Excel functions in an accessible,
jargon-free way. This book not only takes you through Excel's
intermediate and advanced formula-building features, it also tells you
why these features are useful to you and shows you how to use them in
everyday situations. Throughout the book you'll find no-nonsense,
step-by-step tutorials and lots of practical examples aimed directly at
business users.

- Focuses like a laser on the four technologies that you must
master to get the most out of Excel: ranges, formulas, functions, and
data analysis tools.
- Shuns spreadsheet theory in favor of practical know-how that
you can put to use right away.
- Provides numerous real-world examples and techniques to help
you learn and understand the importance of each section.

Date Added: 10/30/2010 12:13:33 AM | Visits: 35404

Microsoft Excel 2007 Financial Analysis: Numbers and financial data drives today's business world and Excel 2007: Financial Analysis can help decode this information. The proper understanding of these numbers, and the formulas behind them, can be the gateway to corporate and personal success. Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) Curt Frye teaches basic fluency in corporate finance, enabling users to see the meaning behind essential financial calculations. Curt explains how to review formulas to ensure they have the proper inputs, and shows how to interpret formula output. He also covers how to calculate leverage ratios and amortization and depreciation schedules, as well as forecast future growth. Exercise files accompany this course.

Date Added: 10/30/2010 12:13:28 AM | Visits: 34388

Microsoft Office Excel 2007 for Project Managers: Ms Office, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access, Ms Project
Maximize Your Productivity with these Project Management Tools and Skills

Combine the power of Excel 2007, Microsoft Office SharePoint Server, and sound project management tools to bring added value to your skill set.

You'll walk through a project and learn step by step how to use these powerful tools to schedule jobs, create budgets, manage processes, and share project information.

Whether new to project management or a veteran, you'll discover techniques, hints, and examples you can use immediately.

Date Added: 10/30/2010 12:13:24 AM | Visits: 35477

Microsoft Excel Advanced Course User Guide: A simple tutorial of Microsoft Excel developed as training material by Southwest Independent School District.

* Exploring Formulas
* Creating Customized Functions
* Macros
* Advanced Graphs
* Advanced Charts
* Customizing Charts
* Customizing Graphs
* Query Functions

This Microsoft Excel tutorial pdf is available FREE at Southwest Independent School District website, we merely collect the information, Online Free Ebooks neither affiliated with the author(s), the website and Microsoft brand nor responsible for its content and change of content.

Date Added: 10/30/2010 12:13:21 AM | Visits: 34843

Total Training � Online MS Excel 2007 Advanced: Now that you got your feet wet learning the new features in MS Excel 2007 in the first video series, Total Training for MS Excel 2007: Essentials, you�re ready to dive into the advanced capabilities. While creating pivot tables and macros seems daunting, you�ll be at ease learning some new techniques that will streamline your next data analysis project. Sit back and discover how to unleash the power of Excel with this in-depth video series.

Date Added: 10/30/2010 12:13:16 AM | Visits: 34623

Microsoft Office Excel 2007: The L Line, The Express Line to Learning: Learn New MS Excel 2007 Easier and Faster

Date Added: 10/30/2010 12:13:13 AM | Visits: 34914

Problems With Using Microsoft Excel For Statistics: The next example shows the help supplied for the confidence interval function. Example: Excel 2000 Confidence Function �CONFIDENCE Returns the confidence interval for a population mean. The confidence interval is a range on either side of a sample mean. For example, if you order a product through the mail, you can determine, with a particular level of confidence, the earliest and latest the product will arrive. � [emphasis mine] The material emphasized, is, of course, a basic misstatement of the meaning of a confidence interval. A last example displays the help given for the standard deviation function. Example: Excel 2000 STDEV Function �STDEV Estimates standard deviation based on a sample.

Date Added: 10/30/2010 12:13:10 AM | Visits: 34489

Hands On Practice Ink Aware And Microsoft Excel In The Office: This Hands-On Practice assumes you have a basic understanding of the Microsoft� Windows� operating system. You may find it useful to think of how you normally work with a computer as you go through the lesson. When working at your computer, for example, you use left-, right- or double-clicks, depending on the function you want to perform. Use the SMART Board interactive whiteboard in the same way. If you get confused, simply think about what you would do at your computer, and then replicate these actions on the interactive whiteboard. What Is Ink Aware? Ink Aware integrates SMART Board software with many types of applications, including Microsoft Word, Excel� or PowerPoint�. When you use an application that is ink aware, whatever you write or draw on your interactive whiteboard becomes embedded in the file, rather than an external note created over the file.

Date Added: 10/30/2010 12:13:07 AM | Visits: 34862

The Basics Of Microsoft Excel: The Basics of Microsoft Excel A spreadsheet allows you to enter rows and columns of information and then to manipulate the data in a variety of ways. Spreadsheets can be used to produce reports, extensive calculations, accounting, graphing and charting and problem solving. Cells are the basic building blocks of a spreadsheet. Each cell has an address, which is determined by its column and row position. Columns are indicated by letters (column headers) arranged along the top of the worksheet area, and rows are indicated by numbers (row headers) along the left side. Where the column and row intersects creates a cell with its address indicated by the column letter followed by the row number. For example, the first cell of a worksheet is A1, where column A intersects with row 1. Each Excel worksheet consists of 256 columns (labeled A to IV) and 65,536 rows. This gives you over 16.7 million cells of information per worksheet. A workbook (file) can contain up to 255 worksheets. You are probably limited more by your computer memory than space provided by Excel.

Date Added: 10/30/2010 12:06:03 AM | Visits: 33563

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