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Free Film EBooks for Download

Below we have listed all the Free Film EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any Film EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
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Stars in Modern French Film: From the Cannes film festival and Brigitte Bardot to virtual film stars and Virginie Ledoyen, French film stars embody glamour and sex appeal and sometimes controversy. This text analyzes the major French stars of the last fifty years, paying detailed attention to screen performance, representation in the popular press, and social and political contexts of their work. Guy Austin's lucid and engaging account charts the making (and in some cases breaking) of the icons of French cinema, including such famous names as Catherine Deneuve, Gerard Depardieu, and Brigitte Bardot, as well as more recent stars like Beatrice Dalle, Emmanuelle Beart, and Samy Naceri.

Date Added: 3/6/2011 10:53:34 PM | Visits: 34480

Film & Digital Techniques for Zone System Photography: Avid art photographers will learn how to model their work after legendary black-and-white photographer Ansel Adams in this instructional guide. Adams� methodology, known as the Zone System, takes what the viewer will see�the final print�into consideration at the beginning of the photographic process, rather than focusing strictly on what the photographer sees. Once this concept, called �previsualization,� is presented and defined, the book then follows a step-by-step approach to incorporating these ideas into all aspects of the photographic process, including lighting, exposure, development or digital editing, and printmaking or output of digital images. Whether working in film or digital media, these steps will foster early accuracy and elicit better source material from a camera, which allows for greater control and contrast in the lab or on a printer.

Date Added: 3/6/2011 10:53:16 PM | Visits: 33331

Adobe Premiere Pro CS5: Schritt f�r Schritt zum perfekten Film: Dieses Praxisbuch begleitet Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene auf dem Weg zum perfekten Video mit Adobe Premiere Pro. Praxisnah erlernen Sie den geschickten Import von Rohmaterial (analog und digital, DV und HD), verschiedene Schnitt-Techniken, die Vertonung (Audioschnitt, Kommentare, Nachvertonung) und die Retusche fehlerhaften Materials. Au�erdem veredeln Sie Ihren Film mit Titel, Vorspann und Abspann und kr�nen ihn mit �berg�ngen und Effekten. Auch die Ausgabe u.a. mit Adobe Encore wird ausf�hrlich erl�utert und auf die Zusammenarbeit mit Soundbooth eingegangen.

Eine besondere St�rke des Autors liegt dabei in der leicht verst�ndlichen Erkl�rung des n�tigen Hintergrundwissens um Formate, Datenraten, Videokompression etc. Ihr Plus: Ein leichter Zugang zur Software Ihr Ergebnis: Ein attraktiver Film!

Date Added: 3/6/2011 10:52:46 PM | Visits: 33776

Basics Film-Making: Producing: Basics Film-Making: Producing, the first in the new film-making series from AVA, helps emerging producers understand and manage the production process from development to post-production and distribution. What is the role of the producer? What are the relationships between the producer and the other members of the production team? Basics Film-Making: Producing explores these questions and many more as well as presenting case studies of producers from the UK television industry, who reveal the day-to-day realities of their jobs and the responsibilities they hold. Copyright, production management, and multiplatform delivery are also covered, making this the complete introduction to an exciting and challenging field.

Date Added: 3/6/2011 10:52:18 PM | Visits: 32962

Picture Yourself Capturing Ghosts On Film: Do you want physical evidence of the existence of ghosts but aren't sure of the best way to get it? "Picture Yourself Capturing Ghosts on Film" is a beginner's guide to securing photo evidence of the paranormal. Many people use pictures and video as a foundation of their paranormal investigation, but aren't sure how to use their camera to get the best pictures, or evaluate them once they are taken. This book guides aspiring ghost hunters through the entire process of capturing ghosts on film, including history and perspective on the practice, how to choose the right camera, how the camera works, and how to use the camera in the field. After the ghostly images are taken, "Picture Yourself Capturing Ghosts on Film" guides you on how to evaluate the images and share them with others.

Date Added: 3/6/2011 10:51:39 PM | Visits: 34803

Wig Making and Styling: A Complete Guide for Theatre & Film: Top off that costume with the perfect accoutrement with this first real guide to creating and styling costume wigs. No longer will you need to comb through old references on hairstyles of different time periods, Wig Making and Styling contains everything you need to be a cut above, offering snippets on styling tools, hair types, wig making and measuring, coloring, cutting, and even creating beards and toupees. Other great features include:

-Versatile techniques to create all different historical hairstyles
-Tips on altering existing wigs and creating wigs from scratch
-Multiple approaches and solutions to solving wig-making problems and needs
-Information about the industry, including history and best practices

Full of inspirational and directive photographs, this book will groom anyone from novice to professional stylist into a skilled wig designer.
* inspire your artistic ability with lots of color examples and in-depth directions
* learn to work with wigs based on time periods specific to your production
* develop your skills with the only guide specifically for wigs and hair

Date Added: 3/6/2011 10:51:10 PM | Visits: 33841

Optical Diagnostics for Thin Film Processing: This volume describes the increasing role of in situ optical diagnostics in thin film processing for applications ranging from fundamental science studies to process development to control during manufacturing. The key advantage of optical diagnostics in these applications is that they are usually noninvasive and nonintrusive. Optical probes of the surface, film, wafer, and gas above the wafer are described for many processes, including plasma etching, MBE, MOCVD, and rapid thermal processing. For each optical technique, the underlying principles are presented, modes of experimental implementation are described, and applications of the diagnostic in thin film processing are analyzed, with examples drawn from microelectronics and optoelectronics. Special attention is paid to real-time probing of the surface, to the noninvasive measurement of temperature, and to the use of optical probes for process control.

Optical Diagnostics for Thin Film Processing is unique. No other volume explores the real-time application of optical techniques in all modes of thin film processing. The text can be used by students and those new to the topic as an introduction and review of the subject. It also serves as a comprehensive resource for engineers, technicians, researchers, and scientists already working in the field.

Key Features
* The only volume that comprehensively explores in situ, real-time, optical probes for all types of thin film processing
* Useful as an introduction to the subject or as a resource handbook
* Covers a wide range of thin film processes including plasma etching, MBE, MOCVD, and rapid thermal processing
* Examples emphasize applications in microelectronics and optoelectronics
* Introductory chapter serves as a guide to all optical diagnostics and their applications
* Each chapter presents the underlying principles, experimental implementation, and applications for a specific optical diagnostic.

Date Added: 3/6/2011 10:50:39 PM | Visits: 34820

Producing and Directing the Short Film and Video: Producing and Directing the Short Film and Video is the definitive book on the subject for beginning filmmakers and students. The book clearly illustrates all of the steps involved in preproduction, production, postproduction, and distribution. Its unique two-fold approach looks at filmmaking from the perspectives of both producer and director, and explains how their separate energies must combine to create a successful short film or video, from script to final product
This guide offers extensive examples from award-winning shorts and includes insightful quotes from the filmmakers themselves describing the problems they encountered and how they solved them. The companion website contains useful forms and information on grants and financing sources, distributors, film and video festivals, film schools, internet sources for short works, and professional associations.
* Unique approach to filmmaking which looks at the process from the director's and producer's point of view--each chapter is subdivided into sections covering the producer's and director's POV
* Features case studies from award-winning short films that will inspire you to make your own
* A companion website contains useful forms, information on grants and financing sources, distributors, film and video festivals, film schools, internet sources for short works, and professional associations

Date Added: 3/6/2011 10:49:57 PM | Visits: 33579

Film Marketing: Film Marketing is the first book to consolidate existing literature into a well informed and academically sound textbook. The book focuses on the film industry as a whole, which incorporates popular (mainstream) fiction films (usually) in English, non English language fiction films, documentary films and art house films. In doing so, it is firmly embedded in the global film industry.
Although the film industry is global, it is dominated by the Hollywood major studios, and as such, discussion of the Hollywood film industry will be highlighted. But, unlike other film marketing books on the market, this book also highlights other successful film industries, such as Korea, Nigeria and India, as well as looking at examples of film marketing practices from a range of other countries which provide interesting case studies from Denmark, France, the UK and Hong Kong.
Film Marketing offers the student a unique combination of theory and practice and written in accessible student-friendly manner, presents an appealing and must-have text for anyone studying film. The book includes full pedagogical features and additional lecture resources, available at allowing for easy use by both lecturer and student.

Date Added: 3/6/2011 10:45:50 PM | Visits: 35059

The Routledge Companion To Philosophy And Film: The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Film is the first comprehensive volume to explore the main themes, topics, thinkers and issues in philosophy and film. The Companion features sixty specially commissioned chapters from international scholars and is divided into four clear parts:
� issues and concepts
� authors and trends
� genres
� film as philosophy.

Part one
Is a comprehensive section examining key concepts, including chapters on acting, censorship, character, depiction, ethics, genre, interpretation, narrative, reception and spectatorship and style.

Part two
Covers authors and scholars of film and significant theories

Part three
Examines genres such as documentary, experimental cinema, horror, comedy and tragedy.

Part four
Includes chapters on key directors such as Tarkovsky, Bergman and Terrence Malick and on particular films including Memento.

Each chapter includes a section of annotated further reading and is cross-referenced to related entries.The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Film is essential reading for anyone interested in philosophy of film, aesthetics and film and cinema studies.

Date Added: 3/6/2011 10:45:17 PM | Visits: 33565

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