Medical & Medicine EBooks
Free Medical & Medicine EBooks for Download
Below we have listed all the Free Medical & Medicine EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any Medical & Medicine EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
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Internal Medicine: An Illustrated Radiological Guide Book: This book explains how radiology can be a powerful tool for establishing the diagnosis of many internal medicine diseases. It is organized in the classic fashion for internal medicine books, with eleven chapters covering the different internal medicine specialties. Within these chapters, more than 450 diseases are considered. For each disease, radiological and clinical features are displayed in images and high-quality digital medical illustrations, and those differential diagnoses are identified that can be ruled out by imaging alone. In addition, the pathophysiology underlying the radiological features is described, explaining why a particular sign is seen on MR images, CT scans, or plain radiographs. The book will serve as an excellent radiological atlas for internal medicine practitioners and family physicians, showing disease presentations that may be hard to find in standard medical textbooks and explaining which imaging modalities are likely to be most informative in particular patients. Date Added: 10/29/2010 1:01:37 AM | Visits: 33363 |
Medicine Today: 2000 to the Present Book: Many people take for granted that physicians know what they are doing, but every day scientists must make very difficult decisions. Just because scientists can harvest stem cells, doesn't mean that they should; and while one day nanotechnology might mean a little 'nanobot' can be turned into a blood vessel to clean out the arteries, there are some ethical and environmental issues that must be considered first. Today people can be kept alive mechanically, but physicians must wrestle with how long breathing on a machine should continue before a person is declared dead and their organs can be harvested. These difficult and emotional issues have no easy answers, but medical practitioners have tried to come up with ethical solutions. Date Added: 10/29/2010 1:01:37 AM | Visits: 33425 |
Spaces Objects and Identities in Early Modern Italian Medic: This collection, by an international team of scholars, presents exciting research currently being undertaken on early modern Italy which questions the conventional boundaries of medical history. * Brings together historians of medicine and scholars of different backgrounds who are re-visiting the field from new perspectives and with the support of innovative questions and unexplored sources * Explores crucial areas of intersection between the territory of medicine and that of law, politics, religion, art and material culture and highlights the connections between these apparently separate fields * Challenges our understanding of what we regard as medical activities, medical identities, spaces and objects * Addresses the study of medical careers, medical identities and spaces where medical activities were performed e.g. apothecary shops, courtrooms, convents and museums. Date Added: 10/28/2010 11:22:24 PM | Visits: 35373 |
10 DNA Myths Busted: This FREE, ready for download eBook discusses some of the most popular posts from "The Genetic Genealogist", a blog that examines the use of DNA technology to explore ancestry.
Date Added: 10/14/2010 2:27:50 AM | Visits: 35950 |
How to Get Rid of Anxiety Attacks: Download this FREE 15-page eBook, and discover simple yet useful tips for ridding yourself of anxiety attacks. Date Added: 10/13/2010 2:59:54 AM | Visits: 33311 |
Headaches From Hell: Download this FREE eBook and learn to understand migraine headaches, and how to put yourself in control of them. Date Added: 10/13/2010 2:53:45 AM | Visits: 34884 |
Your Diabetes Team: Author : Various Authors Type : pdf Date Added: 10/11/2010 10:43:46 PM | Visits: 34314 |
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