Physics Ebooks EBooks
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Einstein Physics And Reality: Albert Einstein was one of the principal founders of the quantum and relativity theories. Until 1925, when Bose-Einstein statistics was discovered, he made great contributions to the foundations of quantum theory. However, after the discovery of quantum mechanics by Heisenberg and wave mechanics by Schrodinger, with the consequent development of the principles of uncertainty and complementarity, it would seem that Einstein's views completely changed. In his theory of the Brownian motion, Einstein had invoked the theory of probability to establish the reality of atoms and molecules; but, in 1916-17, when he wished to predict the exact instant when an atom would radiate -- and developed his theory of the A and B coefficients -- "a statistical residue remained," which he did not quite have the courage of his convictions to accept, as he told his friend Max Born. However, he wrote later to Born that quantum mechanics "is certainly imposing," but "an inner voice tells me that it is not the real thing ... It does,not bring us closer to the secret of the 'Old One'. I, at any rate, am convinced that He is not playing at dice." At the 1927 and 1930 Solvay Conferences on Physics in Brussels, Einstein engaged in profound discussions with Niels Bohr and others about his conviction regarding classical determinism versus the statistical causality of quantum mechanics. To the end of his life he retained his belief in a deterministic philosophy. This highly interesting book explores Einstein's views on the nature and structure of physics and reality. Date Added: 7/28/2011 5:55:31 AM | Visits: 33590 |
Physics of History: In April 1991, two Alpine hikers stumbled across the well-preserved body of a Copper Age hunter half-buried in a glacier on the border between Italy and Austria. This accidental discovery, nicknamed tzi the Iceman, possessed a trove of invaluable information about the origins of prehistoric people.
Yet while standard archaeological techniques revealed many interesting aspects of tzi's life-including his diet and his dress-it was only through the use of physics that more microscopic clues were uncovered; clues that, decades earlier, might have remained hidden. The strontium-to-lead ratios in tzi's teeth matched the ratios found in the Eisack Valley, northeast of present-day Bolzano, Italy, suggesting that was where he spent his childhood. Varying ratios of oxygen 18 to oxygen 16 in tzi's bones indicated that he spent much of his later life at higher altitudes. And the presence of excess copper and arsenic in tzi's hair suggested that he played an active role in copper smelting. Date Added: 7/28/2011 5:54:33 AM | Visits: 33767 |
Nuclear Medicine Physics: Edited by a renowned international expert in the field, Nuclear Medicine Physics offers an up-to-date, state-of-the-art account of the physics behind the theoretical foundation and applications of nuclear medicine. It covers important physical aspects of the methods and instruments involved in modern nuclear medicine, along with related biological topics. Date Added: 7/28/2011 5:53:54 AM | Visits: 34099 |
"Concepts of Modern Physics": Modern Physics is the most up-to-date, accessible presentation of modern physics available. The book is intended to be used in a one-semester course covering modern physics for students who have already had basic physics and calculus courses. The balance of the book leans more toward ideas than toward experimental methods and practical applications because the beginning student is better served by a conceptual framework than by a mass of details. The sequence of topics follows a logical, rather than strictly historical, order. Relativity and quantum ideas are considered first to provide a framework for understanding the physics of atoms and nuclei. The theory of the atom is then developed, and followed by a discussion of the properties of aggregates of atoms, which includes a look at statistical mechanics. Date Added: 7/28/2011 5:53:17 AM | Visits: 34528 |
American Institute of Physics Handbook: The American Institute of Physics Handbook has won wide acceptance among scientists and engineers. It is just such a degree of acceptance that has stimulated the issuance of this revised and updated third edition. This edition, like the previous two, continues the philosophy of supplying authoritative reference material-including tables of data, graphs, and bibliographies-selected and described with a minimum of narration by leaders in physical methods for research.
Among the entirely new sections in this edition are those on nonlinear optics, calibration energies for alpha particles and gamma rays, nonlinear acoustics, atomic mass formulas, particle accelerator principles, atomic transition probabilities, electric and magnetic fields in the earth's environment, and far infrared. Examples of topics in which especially extensive revisions have been made are: optical masers, various optical constants, virial coefficients, heats of combustion and formation, and superconductors. A number of sections were completely rewritten; these include radioastronomy, radiometry, various crystal properties, molecular constants and hase transitions. The mathematics section now consists of a special treatment of 81 units and a bibliography that has been revised to include references to new methods, algorithms, and computer programs.
Date Added: 7/28/2011 5:52:37 AM | Visits: 32654 |
Physics of Active Galactic Nuclei at all Scales: The source of energy in Active Galactic Nuclei is commonly accepted to be gravitational energy released through accretion of matter onto a supermassive black hole. Since the discovery of the first radio galaxies and quasars in the early sixties tremendous progress has been made in unveiling, analyzing and modelling the different components in AGN: the accretion disk, the jets of relativistic particles, the X-ray absorber close to the central engine, the "torus" which funnels the ionizing radiation, the surrounding clouds of dense material in the broad-line region and narrow-line region, the cool molecular and dusty material around the torus, as well as jet-induced effects on larger scales. Yet, it remains to incorporate all these components and physical processes in a self-consistent AGN model which would take into account, and predict, all the facets of observed AGN activity. Besides discussing the elements of this "Unified Model of AGN" this book also addresses the still not entirely understood link of an AGN with its host galaxy and also the related question of the birth and growth of massive black holes in the Universe, which is of prime interest for cosmology. The collection of lecture notes in this volume written by recognized experts in the field of Active Galactic Nuclei address students and young researchers. They are aimed at providing both an introduction and at the same time an overview of the state of the art of AGN research. Date Added: 7/28/2011 5:52:00 AM | Visits: 33509 |
Biological Physics: Product Description Biological Physics focuses on new results in molecular motors, self-assembly, and single-molecule manipulation that have revolutionized the field in recent years, and integrates these topics with classical results. The text also provides foundational material for the emerging field of nanotechnology. Biological Physics is built around a self-contained core geared toward undergraduate students who have had one year of calculus-based physics. Additional �Track-2� sections contain more advanced material for senior physics majors and graduate students. Date Added: 7/28/2011 5:51:13 AM | Visits: 33869 |
Physics of Baseball & Softball: This book describes the physics of baseball and softball, assuming that the reader has a basic background in both physics and mathematics. The physics will be explained in a conversational style, with words and illustrations, so that the explanations make sense. The book provides an excellent opportunity to explain physics at a relatively simple level, even though the primary objective is to explain the many subtle features concerning the physics of baseball. For those readers who already know quite a bit of physics and who will be comfortable with mathematical equations, additional material of this nature will be provided in appendices. The latest research findings and statistical data have been incorporated by the author. The book also contains many simple experiments that the reader can perform to convince themselves that the effects described do indeed exist. Date Added: 7/28/2011 5:16:37 AM | Visits: 32574 |
Higher Level Physics for the IB Diploma: Providing complete coverage of the latest syllabus requirements and all the HL options, this book is written by a highly experienced IB Physics teacher and workshop leader. Date Added: 7/28/2011 5:14:49 AM | Visits: 34046 |
Advances in Chemical Physics: Few of us can any longer keep up with the flood of scientific literature, even in specialized subfields. Any attempt to do more, and be broadly educated with respect to a large domain of science, has the appearance of tilting at windmills. Yet the synthesis of ideas drawn from different subjects into new, powerful, general concepts is as valuable as ever, thus the desire to remain educated persists in all scientists. This series, Advances in Chemical Physics, is devoted to helping the reader obtain general information about a wide variety of topics in chemical physics, which field we interpret very broadly. Our intent is to have experts present comprehensive analyses of subjects of interest, and to encourage the expression of individual points of view. We hope that this approach to the presentation of an overview of a subject will both stimulate new research and serve as a personalized learning text for beginners in a fiel Date Added: 7/28/2011 5:13:13 AM | Visits: 32641 |
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