Reference EBooks
Free Reference EBooks for Download
Below we have listed all the Free Reference EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any Reference EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
To buy an eBook containing 9000 Interview Questions, with Answers, Click Here.
Inspirations and Quotations: The new in edit mode, book from Tomas O Carthaigh. Features poems by the author with background informatiion.
Date Added: 10/13/2010 11:21:27 PM | Visits: 33498 |
How To Publish Your Book: This Guide was written by the founder of WRITERSWORLD--a leading book publisher in self-publishing, print-on-demand books, and book reprints in the United Kingdom that also issues the ISBN in the author's name, pays the author 100% of the royalties, and supplies the author with copies of their books at print cost. Whether you use WRITERSWORLD or not, this eBook will provide you with a wealth of information that may save you a lot of grief down the line when attempting to self-publish a book.
Date Added: 10/13/2010 11:17:24 PM | Visits: 34127 |
How To Avoid Identity Theft: Tells how id theft happens, what stolen id's are used for and how to avoid id theft.
Date Added: 10/13/2010 11:15:28 PM | Visits: 35807 |
DateBOB Dating Advice and Tips: DateBOB Dating Advice and Tips is a free eBook that will help you with your online dating experience. It will help you to write your personal ad, How to achieve that perfect online relationship, How to select the correct dating website to match your needs, plus much more
Date Added: 10/13/2010 11:12:12 PM | Visits: 33308 |
America Misunderstood: The things we do in the USA that are misunderstood abroad, dates, billion, clich�s, etc. and the naming our country
Date Added: 10/13/2010 11:09:52 PM | Visits: 35756 |
A Short Guide to Clinical Digital Photography in Orthodontics: Based on work by several authorities in the field, this FREE eBook includes a short guide for orthodontists, outlining the basic principles and techniques for proper orthodontic photographic record-taking and management.
Date Added: 10/13/2010 11:08:42 PM | Visits: 35819 |
1001 Best Things Ever Said about Work: 1001 Best Things Ever Said Work is the ultimate book of quotations about work for the professional speaker, journalist, author, career advisor, life coach, and connoisseur of great quotations. It also makes great reading for just about everyone.
Date Added: 10/13/2010 11:04:05 PM | Visits: 34488 |
he Library: Revised and Condensed: A collection of short parody pieces. Topics include the Bible, the Qur�an, On the Origin of Species, the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, The Feminine Mystique, and Crime and Punishment.
Date Added: 10/8/2010 5:05:31 AM | Visits: 33374 |
The Job Interview Secret: Unleash the amazing two-page secret career document at the beginning of your very next job interview at JobInterviewSecret.com
Date Added: 9/14/2009 | Visits: 33741 |
New Testament (International Standard Version): A new translation of the Bible produced by American scholars under the ISV Foundation. This is v1.1.0 of the New Testament. The ISV is a 'literal-idiomatic' translation, avoiding the extremes of word-for-word translation and paraphrasing.
Date Added: 8/19/2008 | Visits: 37170 |
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