Sales EBooks
Free Sales EBooks for Download
Below we have listed all the Free Sales EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any Sales EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
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Emotional Selling: Using Emotional Selling to Get Sales: Emotional Selling is a very practical book that is, easy to read, informative, and will provide anyone that reads it exactly what they need to know to sell successfully. It gets right to the point and will help any one interested in selling to focus on what is important. Not only does the book provide the keys to success but it also provides quick summary charts to allow you to use the book as a quick reference before any sales call or meeting. It has been estimated that 80% of all buying decisions are based on emotion. The key to successful sales is making the right connection with the customer, and extracting the right emotional response.
The book sets out a tried and tested technique to achieve this objective by thinking, acting and responding on the basis of emotion. This book will enable readers dramatically to improve their sales performance, and enjoy it at the same time... David Yule has created a dynamic guide to using "emotional intelligence" in selling. The book shows how these groundbreaking new principles can be applied to create rapport and achieve sales with even the most difficult of customers. If you want to improve your own or your organizations sales performance then this book. Not only will you see immediate results, but you'll have fun along the way. Date Added: 9/25/2011 11:06:26 PM | Visits: 34380 |
Copywriting Mastery and Sales Thinking Boot Camp: Dan S. Kennedy is the provocative, truth-telling author of seven popular No B.S. books, thirteen business books total; a serial, successful, multi-millionaire entrepreneur; trusted marketing advisor, consultant and coach to hundreds of private entrepreneurial clients running businesses from $1-million to $1-billion in size; and he influences well over 1-million independent business owners annually through his newsletters, tele-coaching programs, local Chapters and Kennedy Study Groups meeting in over 100 cities, and a network of top niched consultants in nearly 150 different business and industry categories and professions. Date Added: 9/25/2011 11:01:20 PM | Visits: 34401 |
For Marketing, Sales, and Customer Relationship Management,: When Berry and Linoff wrote the first edition of Data Mining Techniques in the late 1990s, data mining was just starting to move out of the lab and into the office and has since grown to become an indispensable tool of modern business. This new edition�more than 50% new and revised� is a significant update from the previous one, and shows you how to harness the newest data mining methods and techniques to solve common business problems. The duo of unparalleled authors share invaluable advice for improving response rates to direct marketing campaigns, identifying new customer segments, and estimating credit risk. In addition, they cover more advanced topics such as preparing data for analysis and creating the necessary infrastructure for data mining at your company. Date Added: 9/25/2011 10:59:37 PM | Visits: 34480 |
Sales Fundamentals of IT Technology Sales: If your job includes significant contact with IT professionals, you need this training. Whether you're in IT sales or an IT newcomer looking for an entry-level, vendor-neutral certification, this training gives you the background you need to converse knowledgeably with IT pros or start down your own IT career path.By the time you've finished watching, you'll know how to speak about IT intelligently with IT pros/decision makers, visually recognize all computer hardware and software and understand information technology -- from operating systems to hardware to licensing and beyond. Plus you'll be ready for CompTIA's Strata for IT Sales exam.
Date Added: 9/25/2011 10:57:37 PM | Visits: 34164 |
Winning Sales Letters From Prospect to Close: First impressions are critical. Make yours count with a winning sales letter! You know how important it is to make an authentic personal connection with clients and potential customers. You live for elevator pitches and face-to-face contact. You enjoy making people comfortable while offering ways to serve their needs.
But do you put as much time and effort into that other, equally important sales tool: the written word? Communications, marketing, and media expert Ralph Allora shows how to craft effective messages that reach out to new clients, keep you on their radar, and close the deal. Date Added: 9/25/2011 10:56:37 PM | Visits: 33512 |
Top Gun Financial Sales: How to Double or Triple Your Results: The Top Gun business model focuses on working with high net worth clientele. In Top Gun Financial Sales, leading investment advisor D. Scott Kimball suggests that by dropping 80 percent of your clients and never taking on more than 50 clients financial salespeople can substantially increase their profits and production. Using the same principles taught to United States fighter pilots at Top Gun, Kimball created the Top Gun Sales Business Model. It is a model that accentuates the importance of working closely with a few high net worth individuals in lieu of trying to half heartedly serve thousands of smaller clients. Date Added: 9/25/2011 10:55:21 PM | Visits: 34611 |
The Complete Book of Perfect Phrases for High-Performing Sales Professionals: The Right Phrase for Every Sales Situation A powerful command of words is the number one requirement for succeeding in the field of sales. Whether you�re cold-calling a prospect, presenting to a group of decision makers, or dealing with price objection, the make-or-break point of every transaction lies in saying the right thing to the right person at the right time.
The Complete Book of Perfect Phrases for High-Performing Sales Professionals is the ultimate field guide for speaking and writing your way to sales success. You�ll find perfect phrases for:
Lead Generation Turn cold calls into profitable relationships Expand your customer base Write engaging letters and e-mails
Sales Calls Get access to decision makers Present your product in compelling language Resist objections and stalling tactics
Customer Service Develop a rapport with every client Handle the most difficult of customers Close every conversation on a positive note Date Added: 9/25/2011 10:54:29 PM | Visits: 33340 |
How to Double Your Sales & Double Your Income: In this powerful session recorded in front of a live audience, you'll learn how to make more sales, faster and easier than ever before. Brian Tracy gives you a series of practical, proven techniques you can use immediately to get more appointments and boost your productivity in the most important areas. You'll also learn how to get and stay motivated to reach your important sales goals. From rookies to veterans, this seminar is a must view program for all salespeople. - CRITICAL TOOLS FOR REACHING YOUR SALES GOALS FASTER - PROSPECTING SKILLS FOR ATTRACTING MORE PROFITABLE CLIENTS - PROVEN STRATEGIES FOR OVERCOMING CALL RELUCTANCE - RELATIONSHIP BUILDING TOOLS USED BY THE BEST SALESPEOPLE - POWERFUL CLOSING TECHNIQUES FOR GETTING PROSPECTS TO SAY YES - AND MORE ... Date Added: 9/25/2011 10:53:48 PM | Visits: 33794 |
Perfect Phrases for High-Performing Sales: The Right Phrase for Every Sales Situation A powerful command of words is the number one requirement for succeeding in the field of sales. Whether you're cold-calling a prospect, presenting to a group of decision makers, or dealing with price objection, the make-or-break point of every transaction lies in saying the right thing to the right person at the right time.
The Complete Book of Perfect Phrases for High-Performing Sales Professionals is the ultimate field guide for speaking and writing your way to sales success. You'll find perfect phrases for:
Lead Generation Turn cold calls into profitable relationships Expand your customer base Write engaging letters and e-mails
Date Added: 9/25/2011 10:52:50 PM | Visits: 32201 |
English for Sales and Purchasing MultiROM: A Short, Specialist English Course: English for Sales and Purchasing is an ideal short course for anyone who needs to communicate effectively with international clients and colleagues in a sales or purchasing environment. English for Sales and Purchasing is suitable for both buyers and sales people who require fluent business English to manage international clients, deal with foreign suppliers, attend international exhibitions, and deal with complaints and enquiries.
English for Sales and Purchasing presents the essential expressions and conversation techniques that will enable successful communication in these situations. Every unit presents realistic scenarios and specific themes for sales and purchasing, such as approaching a new client, selecting potential suppliers, developing proposals, and typing up orders and deliveries. Date Added: 9/25/2011 10:51:55 PM | Visits: 33951 |
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