Delphi EBooks
Free Delphi EBooks for Download
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data recovery: Advance disk data recovery program facilitates safe and instant retrieval of lost and deleted files from all hard disk partitioned on FAT and NTFS file systems Date Added: 7/7/2010 | Visits: 34779 |
Teach Yourself Borland Delphi 4 in 21 Days: Isn't it helpful when an arrow on a map points out exactly where you are? So you are here! Maybe you are here because you have used Delphi before and you want to see what is new in Delphi 4. Maybe you are here because your boss told you to be here. Or maybe you are here as a complete beginner who would like to explore the wonderful world of Windows programming. Date Added: 7/7/2008 | Visits: 36695 |
ISAPI tutorial for Delphi developers: Delphi's Web-broker technology allows you to create four different types of web server applications:
# CGI Standalones
# Win-CGI Date Added: 10/27/2006 | Visits: 34204 |
Programming a Memory Game in Delphi - Part 1: In this Delphi programming tutorial, we will see how the TDrawGrid component can be used to help us develop a 'Memory' game (later we will also explain how to program a falling bricks game). Firstly we will describe what is involved with the Memory game Date Added: 7/24/2006 | Visits: 35269 |
Delphi programs: This is a very interesting topic; you can see what others do with their Delphi knowledge. Since Internet is the ultimate medium to share such knowledge every Delphi programmer should make his programs available on Internet. Date Added: 7/24/2006 | Visits: 35998 |
Crash Course Delphi, part 1: Compiling a project: Delphi combines the user-friendlyness of Visual Basic with the precise control and speed of C++. Without lots of 'real' programming, you can develop very efficient and fast Windows applications. Date Added: 7/24/2006 | Visits: 33122 |
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