ElectroMagnetics EBooks
Free ElectroMagnetics EBooks for Download
Below we have listed all the Free ElectroMagnetics EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any ElectroMagnetics EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
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Electromagnetic Radiation in Analysis: Electromagnetic radiation is a disturbance in electro-magnetic space which follows Maxwell's differential equations for conversion of energy from an electrical field to a magnetic field. The disturbance is sinusoidal in nature for propagating EM radiation. Date Added: 8/3/2011 11:06:24 PM | Visits: 34349 |
Health and electromagnetic fields: Electric and magnetic fi elds are all around us � for example, natural electric fi elds in thunderstorms cause lightning to leap across the sky, and manmade electric fi elds are found in the fl uorescent lamps that light our streets. Date Added: 8/3/2011 11:05:23 PM | Visits: 32860 |
Fundamentals of Electromagnetics: The rapid technological advances in electronics, electro-optics, and computer science have profoundly affected our everyday lives. They have also set the stage for an unprecedented drive toward the improvement of existing medical devices and the development of new ones. Date Added: 8/3/2011 11:02:49 PM | Visits: 33497 |
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