Hardware EBooks
Free Hardware EBooks for Download
Below we have listed all the Free Hardware EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any Hardware EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
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An Introduction to Software & Hardware Interfacing: This book presents a thorough introduction to the Microchip PIC� microcontroller family, including all of the PIC programming and interfacing for all the peripheral functions. A step-by-step approach to PIC assembly language programming is presented, with tutorials that demonstrate how to use such inherent development tools such as the Integrated Development Environment MPLAB, PIC18 C compiler, the ICD2 in-circuit debugger, and several demo boards. Comprehensive coverage spans the topics of interrupts, timer functions, parallel I/O ports, various serial communications such as USART, SPI, I2C, CAN, A/D converters, and external memory expansion. Date Added: 7/26/2011 5:21:05 AM | Visits: 34097 |
VLIW Microprocessor Hardware Design: Acquire the Design Information, Methods, and Skills Needed to Master the New VLIW Architecture!
VLIW Microprocessor Hardware Design offers you a complete guide to VLIW hardware design�providing state-of-the-art coverage of microarchitectures, RTL coding, ASIC flow, and FPGA flow of design. The book also contains a wide range of skills-building examples, all worked using Verilog, that equip you with a practical, hands-on tutorial for understanding each step in the VLIW microprocessor design process. Date Added: 7/26/2011 5:20:25 AM | Visits: 33067 |
Hardware Catalog: Hardware Catalog Date Added: 7/26/2011 5:19:44 AM | Visits: 33872 |
Embedded Projects with Open Source Hardware and Software: Want to build your own robots, turn your ideas into prototypes, control devices with a computer, or make your own cell phone applications? It's a snap with this book and the Arduino open source electronic prototyping platform. Get started with six fun projects and achieve impressive results quickly. Date Added: 7/26/2011 5:18:59 AM | Visits: 34882 |
Models in Hardware Testing: Model based testing is the most powerful technique for testing hardware and software systems. Models in Hardware Testing describes the use of models at all the levels of hardware testing. The relevant fault models for nanoscaled CMOS technology are introduced, and their implications on fault simulation, automatic test pattern generation, fault diagnosis, memory testing and power aware testing are discussed. Models and the corresponding algorithms are considered with respect to the most recent state of the art, and they are put into a historical context by a concluding chapter on the use of physical fault models in fault tolerance.
Date Added: 7/26/2011 5:17:24 AM | Visits: 34680 |
Hardware and Locks: Doors, hardware, and locks, including: interior hung door replacement, closet door repair, screen replacement and repair, deadbolt installation and replacement, and much, much more!
Repairs piling up and still you're reluctant to call in a repairman? No worries, you can learn to do it yourself in no time at all with this DVD, complete with printable instructions and diagrams, and with an easily navigated program so that you can get the information pertinent to your needs-fast! Get the inside scoop from tradesman, and learn everything you need to know. Date Added: 7/26/2011 5:14:15 AM | Visits: 33151 |
Hardware Hacking Projects for Around Home: # From the garage to the living room, Geek House provides hackers with 10 PC-based hardware hacking projects that are not for the faint of heart! # Taking the DIY mentality to a whole new level, this book teaches techies how to hack, customize, and modify everything-from their sprinkler systems to the temperature of their barbecues # Adventurous readers will feast on such projects as installing a bar code inventory system for DVDs or CDs, converting RS232 to wireless, scheduling recording from any television in the house, and creating a remote control finder Date Added: 7/26/2011 5:13:24 AM | Visits: 33699 |
Embedded Hardware: Embedded Hardware Date Added: 10/30/2010 4:24:51 AM | Visits: 33799 |
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