Music EBooks
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Mac OS X Snow LeopardPortable Genius: images and multimedia, listening to music and podcasts, connecting peripherals, copying music to an iPod, syncing Macs to other devices, and more •As with all books in the Date Added: 10/30/2010 1:13:13 AM | Visits: 34605 |
Frommer's San Antonio and Austin: visitors to the best of Austin, the "Live Music Capital of the World," with more than 200 music clubs • Explains how to make an Austin visit unforgettable, from .. read > Related Ebook Date Added: 10/30/2010 1:12:13 AM | Visits: 32718 |
Violin For Dummies: guide! Whether you're an aspiring classical musician or you just want to fiddle around, Violin For Dummies will have you making music in not time. This interactive book-and-CD-ROM . Date Added: 10/30/2010 1:10:41 AM | Visits: 35630 |
Ableton Live 4 Power!: | 400 pages | PDF | 10.9 Mb Get ready to make music that rocks using the amazing new features of Ableton Live 4. This comprehensive guide is designed to help you take full Date Added: 10/30/2010 1:09:45 AM | Visits: 35048 |
Frank Gehry: The City and the Music: of Frank Gehry. Frank Gehry: The City and Music is the result of a unique collaboration between the architect and leading critic Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe. The book focuses on two Date Added: 10/30/2010 1:09:02 AM | Visits: 34821 |
My New Iphone: 52 Simple Projects to Get You Started: Maybe you've already figured out how to play music or make phone calls, but then what? How does the voicemail work? And that keyboard? What about all of those cool apps-which ones Date Added: 10/30/2010 1:07:29 AM | Visits: 33565 |
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