Nature EBooks
Free Nature EBooks for Download
Below we have listed all the Free Nature EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any Nature EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
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Microcosmia: Microcosmia pursues offbeat protagonist Cristian Vane, an emotionally troubled young liberal who�s just come into the staggering Vane fortune. With his newfound wealth and responsibility, Vane sets out to put his cosseted life back together, but a series of gut-wrenching misadventures in the real world produce a complete nervous breakdown. The young heir surfaces with a fresh perspective: wealth is wasted on the wealthy; his bequest is a golden opportunity to do something magnificent in a heartless world.
Sickened by a documentary featuring scammed Ethiopian famine victims, he sets off for Africa to build his utopia. Though Vane�s misplaced magnanimity results in East-West friction and internal rivalries, he still manages to create his magnum opus, even as cutthroat pirates, a vile Eritrean colonel, and a doomed affair with a gorgeous, control-freak journalist push him over the edge. The tale concludes with an overwhelming assault by the Eritrean Army during the mother of all desert locust plagues. Date Added: 10/29/2010 12:35:53 AM | Visits: 33484 |
Signature: Signature is a futuristic sci-fi adventure recounting the political upheaval, social collapse, and revisionist reconstruction of 22nd Century Western civilization, as witnessed by a group of doomed intellectuals through a series of decoded holographic events. There�s a price to knowing too much. What these men learn will impel them through a plague-ridden hell of madness, barbarism, and duplicity, in a world that may or may not be a multi-layered illusion. Date Added: 10/29/2010 12:34:56 AM | Visits: 33031 |
Free Ebooks by Ron Sanders: A shadow haunts the sunny streets of Venice Beach, working his way through all the women and valuables he can handle. So far he�s been lucky. But too much of a good thing makes a man careless; he gets sloppy, he lets down his guard. From bizarre arrest to explosive conclusion, Freak is a wild rollercoaster of a ride, featuring impossible escapes, a dizzying manhunt, and a gothic mini-movie of a courtroom confession, wherein you�ll meet the real Nicolas Vilenov, slippery opportunist and soulless predator, bogeyman of a thousand suppressed dreams. Date Added: 10/29/2010 12:33:42 AM | Visits: 33852 |
Understanding Food: Understanding Food� is a short ebook that describes exactly how it is that Americans came to believe that dietary fat was unhealthy, and associate fat with cholesterol with heart disease. In it, the person most responsible for this falsehood is brought to light, and the history of the modern Food Pyramid is discussed, along with it�s science-based alternative, which proscribes a much different diet. A brief examination of corruption in the FDA brings us to today, when we as a country are just starting to realize the vast nature of our dietary �mistake�. Date Added: 10/29/2010 12:32:01 AM | Visits: 32990 |
Soliloquies of Concern & Action in a mixed-up world: For anyone who is concerned about the human condition and the planet we all inhabit, this book offers honest and perceptive insights into the social and environmental issues that confront us. In particular it addresses the nature and influence of economics, culture, religion,and politics in local and global affairs, and points a way out of the confusion of our times.
Above all it suggests actions which might just help to make universal human fellowship achievable and ensure a sustainable and better future for our grandchildren. Date Added: 10/29/2010 12:31:13 AM | Visits: 33867 |
That Is That: Essays About True Nature: That Is That is an intriguing and enlightening look at life�s biggest question: Who am I? This book is a collection of the free essays and articles found on Advaita spiritual teacher, Nirmala�s website and blog at www.endless-satsang.com. It is intended to be an easy way to sample all of his teachings. There is no particular order and you are invited to wander through the essays as you please. Nirmala offers a unique vision and a gentle, compassionate approach, which adds to the rich tradition of spiritual inquiry into our true nature. He is the author of several books, including Nothing Personal: Seeing Beyond the Illusion of a Separate Self. Date Added: 10/29/2010 12:30:28 AM | Visits: 32952 |
Soils: Nature, Fertility Conservation And Management: An introductory text on Soil Science (for undergraduates and everyone interested in the science of the soil � as the medium for plant growth) with special consideration of �Tropical Soil Fertility Conservation and Management Under Continuous Cropping�. Date Added: 10/29/2010 12:28:54 AM | Visits: 34606 |
Mosquito�s Trumpet: Poems for Daw Aung San Suu Kyi: This short collection of poetry is a an observation of the ongoing crisis in Burma. It also includes commentary on Thoreauvian Optimism, the nature of Charity, and the American experience. Mosquito�s Trumpet is an applied mediation on the singularly American flexibility of expression with meaning. Date Added: 10/29/2010 12:28:10 AM | Visits: 34198 |
The Ether Dispute: Revisiting Einstein�s argument that space is a physical substance: There�s an unresolved dispute over the physical nature of space. It occurs because of what Bacon called our �dull and deceptive human senses�. On one hand, space appears empty. This led biblical and modern cosmologists to conclude space is an �empty vacuum.� But, when astrophysicists from Newton to Einstein studied space, they found it exhibits physical behaviors � i.e. it carries light and heat. This led them to conclude space is an invisible substance called �the ether.� The author explores the ether dispute, and the pressing need to resolve it scientifically. Date Added: 10/29/2010 12:27:29 AM | Visits: 34650 |
Mastering ID: A chance meeting with an enticing woman forces Jacob into a battle with Id, the primal instincts surging within him. As his new nature is revealed, Jacob struggles to understand what he has now become and what he has lost, forever. Date Added: 10/29/2010 12:26:44 AM | Visits: 34875 |
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