Power Electronics EBooks
Free Power Electronics EBooks for Download
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Automotive Power Electronics (PDF 80p): The trend for comfort and convenience features in today�s cars means that more electric motors are required than ever a glance at Table 1 will show that up to 30 motors may be used in top of the range models, and the next generation of cars will require most of these features as standard in middle of the range models. Date Added: 7/28/2011 2:46:35 AM | Visits: 32255 |
Power electronics KEPCO applications handbook: Power supplies exist to provide five separate and distinct functions: Change the output to a different voltage level than the input (step up or step down) Rectify a-c into d-c Isolate the output from the input Stabilize the output against the influence of: Source changes (source effect) Load changes (load effect) Temperature changes (temperature effect) The passage of time (time effect or drift) Provide the user with a means to vary the output. Date Added: 7/27/2011 10:53:02 PM | Visits: 32693 |
ELECTRONIC POWER CONVERSION: To understand the characteristics and operation of Power Electronic Devices, the requirements andsuitable applications. To gain knowledge on power electronic topologies, modelling and simulation techniques, waveform generations and control,performance analysis and applications. Date Added: 7/27/2011 10:49:29 PM | Visits: 31733 |
dc dc controller design using TL5001: The TL5001 integrated circuit incorporates all the PWM-control functions in a compact 8-pin package, including: � Oscillator/triangle-wave generator � PWM comparator with adjustable dead-time control input � Open-collector output-drive transistor � 1-V temperature-stable reference � Wide-bandwidth error amplifier � Short-circuit protection (SCP) � Undervoltage lockout (UVLO) Date Added: 7/27/2011 10:44:05 PM | Visits: 32650 |
DC Motor Drive (PDF 36p): Motor Drives � General principles motors � Motor drive systems � DC motor drives � AC motor drives Date Added: 7/27/2011 10:43:08 PM | Visits: 32944 |
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