Writing EBooks
Free Writing EBooks for Download
Below we have listed all the Free Writing EBooks for download. Feel free to comment on any Writing EBooks for download or answer by the comment feature available on the page.
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On Creative Writing: There are several aspects to writing fiction. Rendering what John Gardner in The Art of Fiction describes as a �vivid and continuous dream� is a complicated affair. Story is created from the imagination of a writer, who in turn must translate it onto a page of symbols so that another person can read, absorb, and experience the story in a similar fashion. It�s a remarkable process when you think about it. So, are you up for the challenge or is the writer�s quintessential question nipping away inside: Do I have the talent? Date Added: 10/28/2010 4:52:15 AM | Visits: 34037 |
Free EBooks by Jim DeSantis: put this 27 page ebook together just for my readers who may be suffering from a broken relationship. It contains proven techniques that will help you make all the right moves if there is any chance that love is still simmering. Date Added: 10/28/2010 4:49:21 AM | Visits: 34264 |
Success In The Arts: What it Takes to Make It in Creative Fields: For All Aspiring Artists: Writers, Musicians, Filmmakers, Visual Artists, Dancers, Actors. Learn to answer these essential questions: . What factors contribute most to success in the arts? . Do you have enough talent? . What do you need besides talent? . What are the myths about creativity? . What is real creativity and how do you cultivate it? . How do you get through tough times? . How do you deal with criticism? . How do you �get the breaks� in your field? . What foundation principles don�t change? . How do you hang on to the important things in life? . How do you keep from �selling your soul?� . What if you don�t make it? . Save years of trial and error . Avoid the common pitfalls of creative careers . A mentor in a book Date Added: 10/28/2010 4:48:32 AM | Visits: 34749 |
Free eBooks For Bloggers: CoolTricksnTips.com has listed down 26 great free ebooks for bloggers in nice fashionly way. Each ebook is listed down with their cover and some description so that you�ll know what to expect. Click on each link below each ebook to jump right over to the author�s page and start downloading. Just to name a few�
1. The Corporate Weblog Manifesto 2. 12 Step Business Blogging 3. Unleashing The IdeaVirus by Seth Godin 4. The Art of Alpha Female Blogging 5. The Zen Of Blogging 6. Effective Internet Presence Date Added: 10/28/2010 4:47:48 AM | Visits: 33225 |
Free Ebooks from F+W: The guys at F+W couldn�t have said it better themselves, so I�ll let them explain what they�re trying to do and their objectives in their own words �
In an effort to further build its online communities, F+W Media announced today it will offer free book downloads to new e-newsletter subscribers. The content will be from leading F+W communities, including Writing, Genealogy, and Woodworking.
According to Tim Langlitz, Director of Online Marketing, �Enthusiasts look to F+W Media brands for inspiration and guidance. Unfortunately, many consumers have to choose between their hobbies and paying the bills. By offering free book downloads to anyone who joins our email newsletter lists, we wish to help new consumers find the joy and peace of spending time on the things they enjoy. In addition to the free book, newsletter readers receive regular free tips, guidance and inspiration to help them enjoy the simple pleasures of their hobby. Our goal is to offer hope and inspiration to our readers, regardless of their bank balance.� Date Added: 10/28/2010 4:47:00 AM | Visits: 33815 |
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