123 Astrology
Offers birth (natal) astrology/horoscope charts and Astrology For Lovers compatibility/relationship reports.
Professional Astrology , Numerology, Psychic reports. Original Content for your site. Yahoo award winner.
Sky View Zone Astrology
Astrology reports and beautiful chart wheels!
Lucky Days
Successfully tested on BBC TV. Free evaluation.
Karmic Remedial Astrology (Fire Rituals/Yagna)
Experience the healing powers of 'Mantra' or 'Sound'. Fire rituals conducted to please the cosmic powers following strict Vedic discipline are life changing. Works on the principle of diluting negative 'karmic debt' through divine intervention. Seemingly defies human logic but certainly establishes the presence of a higher power. Faith & noble intentions are the only pre-requisites. Before the 'problem' the 'solution' existed.
Ask a Question (Specific Horoscope Reading)
' Are You Bogged Down by a Problem?'
' Feeling anxious, confused or uncertain of the future!'
' Are you at crossroads with a decision?'
Astrocall Charts
Your potential according to the stars.
Check Your Manglik Dosha
Are you Manglik? It is a question that arises in any individual who does not get married for a long time.
With the help of Check your manglik Dosha, one can check whether he or she is manglik or not.
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