Beginning Visual CSharp 2005
Author : Karli Watsonet
Accelerated C# 2008
Written By : Trey Nash
Pro LINQ Language Integrated Query in C# 2008
Written by : Joseph C. Rattz, Jr.
Microsoft Press - Introducing Microsoft LINQ
# Query and manipulate different data domains with a unified syntax # Work with local type inference, lambda expressions, and extension methods # Use XML literals, late binding over XML, and relaxed delegates # Query items using methods and generics in the System.Linq namespace # Apply deferred query evaluation and extension methods resolution # Query relational structures and physical models with LINQ to ADO.NET # Convert queries into native SQL with LINQ to SQL # Define and manage XML content by using LINQ to XML
Beginning C# Game Programming
Beginning C# Game Programming
Professional CSharp
Using this book you can easily gather informations about "C#.NET 2.0".This book briefly explain all the concepts with suitable examples.
Peachpit Press The Zen of CSS Design Visual Enlightenment for the Web
Using this book you can easily gather informations about "C-Sharp".This book briefly explain all the concepts with suitable examples.
C Sharp Yellow Book by Rob Miles
Using this book you can easily gather informations about "C-Sharp".This book briefly explain all the concepts with suitable examples.
Wrox Beginning Microsoft Visual C Sharp 2008
Using this book you can easily gather informations about "C-Sharp".This book briefly explain all the concepts with suitable examples.
DOT NET Domain Driven Design with CSharp 2008
Using this book you can easily gather informations about "C-Sharp".This book briefly explain all the concepts with suitable examples.
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