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Delivering a presentation may get your message across, but delivering a performance can entertain, educate, inspire and get you noticed. �Powerful Presentations: 10 Steps from Presentation to Performance� aligns time-tested theatrical best practices, celebrity anecdotes and things a six-year-old knows (which you don�t) with tips and tricks to improve the quality of otherwise lackluster presentations. Face it, your audience�s attention span is less than seven minutes long � so you need all the help you can get.
Tyrants of Self-Concept: Ruling the Rulers
This book�s purpose is to demonstrate that the mass of men and women do not have to spend their lives limited by the critical voices of mental spectators-those little tyrants rattling around inside their heads, telling them second by second how to fight their battles, what they can and cannot do, what they must and must not do. TYRANTS OF SELF CONCEPT: RULING THE RULERS, exposes gender-loaded beliefs and other social fallacies for what they are-truisms-and informs, then challenges readers to discover how the truisms influence their self-concepts, the totality of their thoughts and feelings about themselves. Readers learn how their mental spectators have become internalized through socialization. Importantly, readers discover the adaptive and beneficial processes of examining the formation of beliefs that lead to negative self- concepts.
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Forty carefully selected topics, twenty positive and twenty negative, paint a personalized and demystified account of the country in an entertaining, at times witty, and always revealing manner. From men with steel balls to waitresses with no pants, from electric baths to squirting toilets, and from golden turds to exquisite cuisine, this book has it all in a straight-punching account of Japan in all its naked splendour.
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Disaster Preparedness Kit
We live in very uncertain times. One only needs to turn their thoughts to 9-11 to witness just how uncertain the world has become. Not only are we facing disaster on a global level, individually thousands of us experience our own forms of disaster every day. Fires, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes and accidents remind us just how vulnerable we really are. What would you do if basic services�water, gas, electricity or telephones�were cut off? Local officials and relief workers will be on the scene after a disaster, but they cannot reach everyone right away. Are you prepared to administer first aid? Do you have sufficient food, water and clothing to survive for several days if necessary? What is your Disaster Preparedness Plan? Do you even have one? Answers to these questions and much more are outlined for you in precise detail in the Disaster Preparedness Kit. The information contained in this booklet can be life saving. Spread it far and wide�
Chimera Recovery
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Some of the titles include�
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Understanding The 7 Attributes of Salvation
Some may say that there are more than just 7 Attributes of Salvation and I won�t argue with that. This ebook, however, clearly explains and defines what I consider to be the major Attributes of Salvation i.e. Redemption � Remission � Justification � Regeneration � Reconciliation � Sanctification � Glorification. I�ve included special notes on Adoption and Substitution in this book but because of its complexity I�ve devoted a entire book to the Doctrine of Election.
37 Killer AdWords--Pay-Per-Click Secrets Exposed
By Roger C. Hall--Certified Google AdWords Professional. In this free eBook, the author reveals secrets that will enable you to discover more Google AdWords; and stay ahead of your competition.
Read more: http://www.free-ebooks.net/?category=Advertising#ixzz127xrDGkK
The O'Hara Designs portfolio for the Australian Wool Fashion Awards 2010
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Read more: http://www.free-ebooks.net/?page=2&category=Beauty%2520&%2520Fashion#ixzz128Gi8vts
Adventures and Letters
Penned by the journalist's brother, this book provides an intimate look at a writer who led a very public life
Read more: http://www.free-ebooks.net/?category=Biography#ixzz128ICSWe0
The Albatross and the Mermaid - Free eBook The Albatross and the Mermaid - Download ebook The Albatross and the Mermaid free