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Create Your eBooks for the iPhone
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Category: Modern Fiction Ebooks
EBook Description:
Free Industry Resources
Renewable Energy Focus:
Reports on various major topical developments in renewable energy from around the world....
Modern Plastics Worldwide:
Is the only plastics publication dedicated to covering global business management issues, key technologies, and the latest...
Free Industry Resources
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Asia Electronics Industry: Delivers reviews of hot technologies affecting the...
Begin Collecting Coins Free Ebook
67 pages covering various topics on how you can fill up your time with some interesting coin collecting goodness. This particular ebook covers quite a huge range of topics which you need to know if you�ve just started in this field or probably could score a few good points even if you�re a veteran.
For the absolute beginner, or someone with a little more knowledge, this e-book is an ideal introduction to the fascinating world of coin collecting. With sections covering finding your first coins through to grading, selling and storing your collection, along with the pros and cons of the various methods of buying coins, this book is an absolute �must have� for anybody interested in starting a coin collection.
Download the ebook from the link below :-
Begin Collecting Coins (PDF)
November 15th, 2007 | Comments (2)
Recipes from Around the World Free Ebook
Wow what a huge list of recipes. With a whooping 505 page ebook, it�s an understatement to just say WOW to this free recipe ebook. The list of recipes alone are listed down in pages, ranging from recipes from Ghana, Sudan, Ethiopia, Morocco, Egypt, Portugal, East Africa, you name it you have it . Gathered from all over the world, this ebook is a great �adventuring� source of recipes for those who wish to try new taste and food both for themselves and for their love ones.
Check it this site out and download this amazing ebook.
Click here to go to the site and click on the ebook image to download the ebook.
October 19th, 2007 | Comments (7)
14 Various Free Ebooks has a list of 14 free ebooks from various categories which you may find useful. Among some of the titles are :-
These ebooks are hosted and made downloadable by, check them out!
1 � Easy Way To Stop Smoking
This book is all about how to stop smoking. Highly recommended if you are trying to quit.
2 � Ancient Secret Of The Fountain Of Youth
Very interesting book about chakra exercises that are designed to promote a youthful life.
3 � Success Secrets Of The Happy And Rich
This is an excellent book and I highly recommend everyone reads it.
4 � Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle
Great no nonsense book on how to loose weight, and keep it off.
5 � Juicing Detox Diet
Cleanse your body through juicing.
6 � Mind Control In USA
Information on the use of mind control.
7 � Subliminal Sex
The use of subliminal messages in the media and advertising.
8 � Juice Fasting For Detoxification
Another book on the benefits of juicing and detoxing the body.
9 � The Fluoride Deception
Extremely interesting information on the harmful effects of fluoride.
10 � The Miracle Of Fasting
A book all about the history and benefits of fasting.
11 � The Deliberate Dumbing Down Of America
All about the education system and how it is designed to �dumb� you down. Also discusses how America went from having one of the best education systems in the world, to one of the worst.
12 � Mind Games
The aging brain and how to keep it healthy.
13 � Keep Your Brain Alive
83 brain exercises to help prevent memory loss, and increase mental fitness.
14 � Handbook Of Natural Cures
All about natural things you can do to improve your health.
October 19th, 2007 | Comments (0)
Personal Development EBooks
This time around, we have 2 great authors on 2 different topics about personal development, specifically on more on the things that we need to do to get the things we want. I would say it�s more on personal achievement more than personal development, but how can you achieve something without developing yourself right? So here you go �
Empowerment through Dynamic Meditation
by Ed McDonough
While in the conscious awake state of mind there�s only so much you can accomplish because of the perceived limitations you see around you. You�re a single droplet of water. However, through the use of medication, and specifically Dynamic Meditation, you begin to realize that there are no limitations. Your mind connects with the vast collective consciousness giving it access to an unlimited amount of information which isn�t available to you at the conscious state of mind.
Download the ebook from the link below:-
Empowerment through Dynamic Meditation or here (PDF)
Your Success Strategies
by Susan Gray
You will learn the basic principles of success and the importance of goal personal planning process. You will learn why some people fail on the goal-achieving path and how to avoid it. You will learn about the power of your subconscious mind and how to use it. Success is different for everyone and means different things to different people. For some it means making a lot of money, for others it may mean being happy and believing in themselves. Regardless of your definition of success, you can follow these basic principles to achieve your dreams.
Download the ebook by clicking here
October 19th, 2007 | Comments (4)
Emotional Techno Fiction Free Ebooks
Emotional Techno Fiction? What is that? I might still be living in the stone age, cause I�ve never heard of such a thing before, but that sounds like a very modern-full-of-energy-kick-butt genre. This term was founded by 4 great individuals at, an ultra minimalist website with all the free ebooks you need. There a couple of ebooks which you can download from the site including a Poem ebook. You might want to check out all of them if you have the time.
However, our attention lies on one of the ebook about an illiterate who meets with a beautiful and well educated woman in Central Park.
James Elton, locked up since the age of nine, is free at last and heads for NYC aboard a Greyhound bus. In New York he meets Hariss Clariss, a wealthy man who is immediately infatuated by the likeable person he sees. John Lazoo is a cold-hearted gigolo, a name James takes from a book his mother Janine read to him when she was alive and he was a boy. Since John Lazoo is illiterate, he sees the opportunities freely available to him in the camp king�s empire. This changes when one day, while acting the fool in Central Park, he spots Genisis Jones, the most beautiful woman John has ever seen. Now Lazoo wants out. He wants to take Genisis as far away as possible from the present and his past.
Inside the grandiose world in which he is stuck he is charged with retelling Hariss Clariss�s life story, but when Lazoo refuses to play the lead role in the play, he is suddenly accused of murder.
Download this ebook:-
Click here to download (PDF)
Other ebooks from
Poem Book (PDF)
Illicit Blade of Grass (PDF)
October 19th, 2007 | Comments (1)
Create Your eBooks for the iPhone
This is what has to say �
You have a book. The entire world has an iPhone. has the Answer. is the premier marketplace for new digital content on the Internet, with over 300,000 recently published titles, and more than 4,000 new titles added each week, created by people in 80 different countries. With just over one million registered members, Lulu is changing the world of publishing by enabling the creators of books, video, periodicals, multimedia and other content to publish their work themselves with complete editorial and copyright control. Lulu empowers these individuals and corporations to create high quality content products to sell directly to their customers and the rest of the marketplace. With storefronts provided as well as other marketing assistance, creators are fully supported to profit from their work. With Lulu offices in the US, Canada and Europe, Lulu customers can reach the globe.