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Humans and Their Universes

EBook NameHumans and Their Universes
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Ebook Added On Added On: 12-Oct-2010
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EBook Category Category: Science Fiction Ebooks

EBook Description: This FREE eBook communicates the author's vision of exploring the whole universe, and asks the question: What if you had a plausible method based on today's science and technology) of going anywhere that you wanted to go in the entire universe and time? Would that not be a major breakthrough in exploration? The author summarizes the steps leading up to (and beyond) exploration of all of space, and then presents a detailed essay showing how a paragraph within it is consistent with the plausible nature of the universe, and is therefore not science fiction. Topics include Einstein, computers, holograms, unification, brains, Darwin, God, ESP, and life. Download it today! This FREE eBook communicates the author's vision of exploring the whole universe, and asks the question: What if you had a plausible method based on today's science and technology) of going anywhere that you wanted to go in the entire universe and time? Would that not be a major breakthrough in exploration? The author summarizes the steps leading up to (and beyond) exploration of all of space, and then presents a detailed essay showing how a paragraph within it is consistent with the plausible nature of the universe, and is therefore not science fiction. Topics include Einstein, computers, holograms, unification, brains, Darwin, God, ESP, and life. Download it today! Read more:

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