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Wordware Publishing Web Designers Guide to Adobe Photoshop

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EBook Description: Using this book you can easily gather informations about Adobe Photoshop

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Similar eBooks: eBooks related to Wordware Publishing Web Designers Guide to Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop CS4 User Guide

Using this book you can easily gather informations about Adobe Photoshop

Photoshop CS4 Sneak Peek (2008)

1: User Interfaces Changes
Learn about important changes to the Photoshop CS4 user interface.
2: Adobe Output Module
Richard Harrington shows you how to use the Adobe output module in Bridge CS4 to make websites, PDF slideshows and web galleries of your images. This technology is slick and easy to use.
3: Adjustments Panel
Richard Harrington shows you how to use the new adjustments panel in Photoshop CS4 to speed up your workflow.
4: Masks Panel
Richard Harrington shows you whats new with masks in Photoshop CS4 and how to use them to non-destructivly add transparency to an image.
5: Auto-Blend
Richard Harrington shows you how to use auto-blend to combine multiple exposures or layers in Photoshop CS4.
6: Camera Raw 5.0
Richard Harrington shows you how to develop your camera raw files with Camera Raw 5.0 and CS4.
7: Vibrance Adjustment
Richard Harrington shows you how to use the new vibrance adjustments in Photoshop CS4 to boost the saturation of a scene without affecting skin tones.
8: Enhanced Smart Objects
Richard Harrington shows you how to use smart objects and how they have been improved in Photoshop CS4.
9: Enhanced Panoramic Photomerge
Richard Harrington shows you how to use smart objects and how they have been improved in Photoshop CS4.
10: 3D Features
Richard Harrington shows you how to use 3D layers and 3D models in Photoshop CS4.
11: Dodge, Burn & Sponge
Richard Harrington shows you the improvements that Photoshop CS4 brings to the dodge, burn and sponge tools.
12: Printing
Richard Harrington shows you new printing features in Photoshop CS4, including the ability to do 16-bit printing.
13: Video Improvements
Richard Harrington shows you how to size pictures for video and work with video files in Photoshop CS4.
14: Little Things
Richard Harrington shows you the small but important updates and features new to Photoshop CS4.
15: Color Range Command
Richard Harrington shows you how to use the color range command and how CS4 makes it even easier to make a localized selection.

Adobe Photoshop CS 5.1

Follow the instructions in the main folder called INSTALLING INSTRUCTIONS.txt. You will also want to look in the HOSTS SET-UP folder and follow that as part of the installing instructions. Please follow everything to the letter OR it won�t work. Please keep in mind this is CS 5.1 NOT CS5. Tested on Win7 x64bit.

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended software helps you create the ultimate images for print, the web, and video. Get all the state-of-the-art editing, compositing, and painting capabilities in industry-Standard Photoshop CS5 plus tools that let you create and edit 3D images and motion-based content
Discover new dimensions in digital imaging
Design Amazing Images: Keep pushing creative boundaries with world-class 2D and 3D design. Use powerful new selection, painting, and warping capabilities to create standout images.
Make your web pages pop: Get just the right look for each client�s site. Easily select intricate image elements for placing in layout. Create 3D artwork for logos and buttons.
Create Rich Interactive Experiences: Design cutting-edge looks for interactive web content and experiences. Create 3D artwork, warped graphics, and realistic painting effects for all your projects.
Enhance 3D for video: Create and enhance 3D and motion-based content and prepare still images and text for all your projects. Work fast with cross-platform 64-bit support, and create stunning HDR images for video backdrops.


Innovate in 3D
Go beyond traditional image editing by bringing 3D elements to your 2D artwork directly within your favorite digital imaging application, which now offers an easy on-ramp to 3D image creation.
3D editing: Create stunning 3D logos and artwork from any text layer, selection, path, or layer mask with Adobe Repoussé technology. Then twist, rotate, extrude, bevel, and inflate these designs to get the look you want. Edit, enhance, and manipulate 3D scenes in a streamlined interface without dialog boxes. Enjoy a single, easy-to-use panel that contains all your 3D controls for meshes, materials, and lights.
Maximize creative impact

Explore new creative possibilities with tremendous precision and freedom. Easily select intricate image elements, such as hair. Create realistic painting effects. Remove any image element and see the space fill in almost magically.
Intelligent image editing and enhancement: Get better edge detection and masking results in less time with the Quick Selection tool � even when you�re selecting the trickiest image elements, such as hair. Eliminate background color around the edges of your selection with the Quick Selection tool�s automatic color decontamination capabilities.
Extraordinary painting and drawing toolset: Define multiple colors on a single Mixer Brush tip to paint with realistic color blends. Or use a dry Mixer Brush to blend a photo�s colors and transform it into a beautiful painting. Create or modify images with a wide assortment of professional, fully customizable drawing tools.
Advanced compositing: Paste an element into a Photoshop file in the same position it held in the original file, for example, when you create something on the wrong layer and need to move it to the exact same place on a new layer. Combine a range of images, each with a different exposure, color, and focal point � with options to preserve tones and colors � into a single, color-corrected image.
State-of-the-art photography tools: Remove the noise common to high-ISO images and consumer-camera shots while preserving color and detail. You won�t need more than this reengineered noise removal technology to maintain a photo�s natural look, avoiding an oversharpened feel as you maximize quality.
Professional color and tone control: Create either photo-realistic or wildly surreal high dynamic range (HDR) images with unprecedented speed, control, and accuracy. Get stunning results thanks to automatic ghost removal and greater control with tone mapping and adjustments.
Video and animation design: Move through and edit video layers quickly and precisely using single-key shortcuts, and preview and export audio tracks in addition to exporting frame comments. Paint, add text, and clone over multiple frames of an imported video sequence using Movie Paint.
Creative tools and content: Give your images and designs fresh looks using a variety of custom shapes, color swatches, styles, gradients, and 3D meshes.

Boost productivity
Accelerate your workflow with fast performance on 64-bit Windows and Mac hardware systems, smoother interactions thanks to more GPU-accelerated features, and dozens of time-savers requested by Photoshop users.
Easy access to core editing power: Use the convenient Adjustments panel to easily access every tool you need to nondestructively adjust and enhance color and tone. Open the On-image Adjustment tool with a keyboard shortcut.
Efficient and flexible work environment: Easily control tile size, and use presets for simultaneously setting cache and tile size based on whether your output is for print or web.
Streamlined workflow: Use Adobe CS Review, part of new Adobe CS Live online services, to initiate a more secure review without leaving Photoshop Extended. Reviewers can add comments to your images from their browsers, and you see the comments appear automatically on your screen. CS Live services are complimentary for a limited time.
New time-savers: Let Photoshop CS5 automatically downsample your 16-bit image files so you can save them as 8-bit JPEGs.
Powerful extensibility: Get and share custom panels that developers create to accomplish specific tasks � and easily create your own panels of tools, menu items, actions, and more � with Adobe Configurator software.

Analyze images with precision
Work with specialized images for architecture, manufacturing, engineering, science, and medicine. Extract quantitative data from images, and experience support for DICOM images and MATLAB processing routines.
Measurement, counting, and edit-tracking tools: Easily calibrate or set the scale of an image, and even set measurements to the scale information in the header of DICOM files. Use selection tools to define and calculate distance, perimeter, area, and many other measurements. Record data points in a Measurement Log and then export the data � including histogram data � to a spreadsheet for further quantitative analysis.
Support for manufacturing, medical, and scientific workflows: Quickly render a stack of related images into a single view using a variety of rendering calculations, such as median and maximum. Adobe Photoshop Extended automatically analyzes and combines the images while preserving the originals. Image Stacks are extensible, so third parties can write their own render modes.

What�s New in Photoshop CS5 Extended

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended software delivers breakthrough capabilities for superior image selections, image retouching, realistic painting, and 3D extrusions. Experience 64-bit support for fast performance as well as dozens of time-savers throughout your workflow.


Go beyond traditional digital imaging. Easily select intricate image elements, such as hair. See space fill in almost magically when you remove image elements. Create 3D logos and artwork by easily extruding text and other 2D graphics.
Extraordinary painting effects � New: Achieve natural and realistic painting effects with the Mixer Brush, which offers on-canvas color blending; Bristle Tips, which let you create lifelike, textured brush strokes; an onscreen color picker; and more.
Content-Aware Fill New: Remove any image detail or object and watch as Content-Aware Fill magically fills in the space left behind. This breakthrough technology matches lighting, tone, and noise so it looks as if the removed content never existed.
Complex selections made easy � New: Easily select intricate image elements, such as hair, for refinements, compositing, or placing in layout. Eliminate background color around selection edges, and automatically vary selection edges and perfect masks using new refinement tools.
Puppet Warp � New: Precisely warp or stretch graphics, text, or image elements to create unique new looks for your designs.
Superior HDR imaging � Enhanced: Create photo-realistic or surreal HDR images with unprecedented speed, control, and accuracy. Get better-than-ever results thanks to automatic ghost removal and greater control with tone mapping and adjustments, and even give single-exposure photos the look of HDR.
Efficient workflow � Enhanced: Enjoy productivity and creativity boosts thanks to dozens of features and enhancements requested by Photoshop users. Straighten images automatically, choose colors from an onscreen color picker, adjust the opacity of many layers at once, and more.
Better media management � Enhanced: Easily manage media with more flexible batch renaming, and access your assets in the context of what you�re working on by using the customizable Adobe Mini Bridge panel in Photoshop Extended.
3D extrusions with Adobe Repousse � New: Create 3D logos and artwork from any text layer, selection, path, or layer mask with Adobe Repousse technology. Twist, rotate, extrude, bevel, and inflate your designs.
State-of-the-art raw image processing � Enhanced: Use the Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw 6 plug-in to nondestructively remove image noise while preserving color and detail; add grain to make digital photos look more organic; enjoy more control when performing post-crop vignetting; and more.
Enhanced 3D realism and rich materials � New: Enhance 3D objects and designs with easy shadow creation, image-based lights, and materials like glass and chrome. Explore with different focus points in your 3D scene by
Faster performance across platforms � Enhanced: Speed up day-to-day imaging tasks and process very large images up to 10 times faster by taking advantage of cross-platform 64-bit support. (Requires a 64-bit-capable computer with a 64-bit version of Mac OS, Microsoft Windows 7, or Windows Vista. Actual performance varies depending on amount of RAM, driver types, and other factors.)


Explore new web design possibilities. Easily select intricate image elements, such as hair, for placing in layout, and make pages pop with 3D artwork.
Content-Aware Fill � New: Remove any image detail or object and watch as Content-Aware Fill magically fills in the space left behind. This breakthrough technology matches lighting, tone, and noise so it looks as if the removed content never existed.
3D extrusions with Adobe Repousse � New: Design with greater flexibility thanks to Adobe Repousse technology. Create 3D logos, web buttons, and artwork from any text layer, selection, path, or layer mask, and then twist, rotate, extrude, bevel, and inflate your designs.
Extraordinary painting effects � New: Achieve natural and realistic painting effects with the Mixer Brush, which offers on-canvas color blending; Bristle Tips, which let you create lifelike, textured brush strokes; an onscreen color picker; and more.
Puppet Warp � New: Precisely warp or stretch graphics, text, or image elements to create unique new looks for your web designs.
Streamlined creative reviews � New: Use Adobe CS Review � an Adobe CS Live online service � to initiate a more secure review from within Photoshop Extended. Reviewers add comments to your images from their browsers, and you see those comments immediately. CS Live services are complimentary for a limited time.
Efficient workflow � Enhanced: Enjoy productivity and creativity boosts thanks to dozens of features and enhancements requested by Photoshop users. Straighten images automatically, choose colors from the onscreen color picker, adjust the opacity of many layers at once, and more.
Faster performance across platforms � Enhanced: Speed up day-to-day imaging tasks and process very large images up to ten times faster by taking advantage of cross-platform 64-bit support. (Requires a 64-bit-capable computer with a 64-bit version of Mac OS, Microsoft Windows 7, or Windows Vista. Actual performance varies depending on amount of RAM, driver types, and other factors.)
Complex selections made easy � New: Easily select intricate image elements, such as hair, for refinements, compositing, or placing in layout. Eliminate background color around selection edges, and automatically vary selection edges and perfect masks using new refinement tools.
Superior HDR imaging � Enhanced: Create photo-realistic or surreal HDR images with unprecedented speed, control, and accuracy. Get better-than-ever results thanks to automatic ghost removal and greater control with tone mapping and adjustments, and even give single-exposure photos the look of HDR.
Enhanced 3D realism and rich materials � New: Enhance 3D objects and designs with easy shadow creation, image-based lights, and materials like glass and chrome. Explore with different focus points in your 3D scene by adjusting the range for depth of field.
Better media management � Enhanced: Easily manage media with more flexible batch renaming, and access your assets in the context of what you�re working on by using the customizable Adobe Mini Bridge panel in Photoshop Extended.


Create and enhance 3D and motion-based content and prepare still images for video projects. Leverage 64-bit support, create stunning HDR images, and add natural painting effects with lifelike Bristle Tips.
3D extrusions with Adobe Repousse � New: Design with greater flexibility thanks to Adobe Repousse technology. Create 3D logos, web buttons, and artwork from any text layer, selection, path, or layer mask, and then twist, rotate, extrude, bevel, and inflate your designs.
Faster performance across platforms � Enhanced: Speed up day-to-day imaging tasks and process very large images up to ten times faster by taking advantage of cross-platform 64-bit support. (Requires a 64-bit-capable computer with a 64-bit version of Mac OS, Microsoft Windows 7, or Windows Vista. Actual performance varies depending on amount of RAM, driver types, and other factors.)
Superior HDR imaging � Enhanced: Create photo-realistic or surreal HDR images with unprecedented speed, control, and accuracy. Get better-than-ever results thanks to automatic ghost removal and greater control with tone mapping and adjustments, and even give single-exposure photos the look of HDR.
Extraordinary painting effects � New: Paint natural, realistic backdrops and digital mattes with the Mixer Brush, which offers on-canvas color blending, and Bristle Tips, which let you create lifelike, textured brush strokes.
Complex selections made easy � New: Get better-than-ever results when selecting intricate image elements, such as hair, and eliminate background color around selection edges. Automatically vary selection edges and perfect masks using new refinement tools.
Streamlined creative reviews � New: Use Adobe CS Review � a new Adobe CS Live online service � to initiate a more secure review from within Photoshop Extended. Reviewers add comments to your images from their browsers, and you see those comments immediately. CS Live services are complimentary for a limited time.
Content-Aware Fill � New: Remove any image detail or object and watch as Content-Aware Fill magically fills in the space left behind. This breakthrough technology matches lighting, tone, and noise so it looks as if the removed content never existed.
Enhanced 3D animation and realism � Enhanced: Animate effects such as depth of field; use video layers to animate image-based lights; and easily keyframe 3D object position, camera position, textures, and render settings. Enhance 3D objects and designs with easy shadow creation and materials like glass and chrome.
Efficient workflow � Enhanced: Work smarter with an increased limit for nested layers, the ability to drag and drop a file onto an open PSD document to create a layer, a keyboard shortcut for the On-Image Adjustment tool, and more.
Improved 32-bit file support � Enhanced: Create a layer mask directly from the transparency in your 32-bit file.


Create cutting-edge looks for interactive web experiences with 3D artwork, warped graphics, and realistic painting effects.
Complex selections made easy � New: Get better-than-ever results when selecting tricky image elements, such as hair, and eliminate background color around selection edges. Automatically vary selection edges and perfect masks using new refinement tools.
3D extrusions with Adobe Repousse � New: Design with greater flexibility thanks to Adobe Repousse technology, which lets you create 3D logos, buttons, and artwork from any text layer, selection, path, or layer mask. Twist, rotate, extrude, bevel, and inflate your designs.
Puppet Warp � New: Precisely warp or stretch graphics, text, or image elements to create unique new looks for your interactive designs.
Content-Aware Fill � New: Remove any image detail or object and watch as Content-Aware Fill magically fills in the space left behind. This breakthrough technology matches lighting, tone, and noise so it looks as if the removed content never existed.
Streamlined creative reviews � New: Use Adobe CS Review � an Adobe CS Live online service � to initiate a more secure review from within Photoshop Extended. Reviewers add comments to your images from their browsers, and you see those comments immediately. CS Live services are complimentary for a limited time.
Efficient workflow � Enhanced: Enjoy productivity and creativity boosts thanks to dozens of features and enhancements requested by Photoshop users. Straighten images automatically, pick colors from an onscreen color picker, adjust the opacity of many layers at once, and more.
Faster performance across platforms � Enhanced: Speed up day-to-day imaging tasks and process very large images up to ten times faster by taking advantage of cross-platform 64-bit support. (Requires a 64-bit-capable computer with a 64-bit version of Mac OS, Microsoft Windows 7, or Windows Vista. Actual performance varies depending on amount of RAM, driver types, and other factors.)
Extraordinary painting effects � New: Achieve natural and realistic painting effects with the Mixer Brush, which offers on-canvas color blending; Bristle Tips, which let you create lifelike, textured brush strokes; an onscreen color picker; and more.
Superior HDR imaging -Enhanced: Create photo-realistic or surreal HDR images with unprecedented speed, control, and accuracy. Get better-than-ever results thanks to automatic ghost removal and greater control with tone mapping and adjustments, and even give single-exposure photos the look of HDR.
Enhanced 3D realism and rich materials � Enhanced: Enhance 3D objects and designs with easy shadow creation, image-based lights, and materials like glass and chrome. Explore with different focus points in your 3D scene by adjusting the range for depth of field.
Better media management � Enhanced: Easily manage media with more flexible batch renaming, and access your assets in the context of what you�re working on by using the customizable Adobe Mini Bridge panel in Photoshop Extended.

Adobe Photoshop CS5

Well, I hope you enjoy and don't forget to add me a rep point if I helped you in anyway!

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended software helps you create the ultimate images for print, the web, and video. Get all the state-of-the-art editing, compositing, and painting capabilities in industry-Standard Photoshop CS5 plus tools that let you create and edit 3D images and motion-based content
Discover new dimensions in digital imaging
Design Amazing Images: Keep pushing creative boundaries with world-class 2D and 3D design. Use powerful new selection, painting, and warping capabilities to create standout images.
Make your web pages pop: Get just the right look for each client's site. Easily select intricate image elements for placing in layout. Create 3D artwork for logos and buttons.
Create Rich Interactive Experiences: Design cutting-edge looks for interactive web content and experiences. Create 3D artwork, warped graphics, and realistic painting effects for all your projects.
Enhance 3D for video: Create and enhance 3D and motion-based content and prepare still images and text for all your projects. Work fast with cross-platform 64-bit support, and create stunning HDR images for video backdrops.
Innovate in 3D
Go beyond traditional image editing by bringing 3D elements to your 2D artwork directly within your favorite digital imaging application, which now offers an easy on-ramp to 3D image creation.
3D editing: Create stunning 3D logos and artwork from any text layer, selection, path, or layer mask with Adobe Repouss�f© technology. Then twist, rotate, extrude, bevel, and inflate these designs to get the look you want. Edit, enhance, and manipulate 3D scenes in a streamlined interface without dialog boxes. Enjoy a single, easy-to-use panel that contains all your 3D controls for meshes, materials, and lights.
Maximize creative impact
Explore new creative possibilities with tremendous precision and freedom. Easily select intricate image elements, such as hair. Create realistic painting effects. Remove any image element and see the space fill in almost magically.
Intelligent image editing and enhancement: Get better edge detection and masking results in less time with the Quick Selection tool -- even when you're selecting the trickiest image elements, such as hair. Eliminate background color around the edges of your selection with the Quick Selection tool's automatic color decontamination capabilities.
Extraordinary painting and drawing toolset: Define multiple colors on a single Mixer Brush tip to paint with realistic color blends. Or use a dry Mixer Brush to blend a photo's colors and transform it into a beautiful painting. Create or modify images with a wide assortment of professional, fully customizable drawing tools.
Advanced compositing: Paste an element into a Photoshop file in the same position it held in the original file, for example, when you create something on the wrong layer and need to move it to the exact same place on a new layer. Combine a range of images, each with a different exposure, color, and focal point -- with options to preserve tones and colors -- into a single, color-corrected image.
State-of-the-art photography tools: Remove the noise common to high-ISO images and consumer-camera shots while preserving color and detail. You won't need more than this reengineered noise removal technology to maintain a photo's natural look, avoiding an oversharpened feel as you maximize quality.
Professional color and tone control: Create either photo-realistic or wildly surreal high dynamic range (HDR) images with unprecedented speed, control, and accuracy. Get stunning results thanks to automatic ghost removal and greater control with tone mapping and adjustments.
Video and animation design: Move through and edit video layers quickly and precisely using single-key shortcuts, and preview and export audio tracks in addition to exporting frame comments. Paint, add text, and clone over multiple frames of an imported video sequence using Movie Paint.
Creative tools and content: Give your images and designs fresh looks using a variety of custom shapes, color swatches, styles, gradients, and 3D meshes.
Boost productivity
Accelerate your workflow with fast performance on 64-bit Windows and Mac hardware systems, smoother interactions thanks to more GPU-accelerated features, and dozens of time-savers requested by Photoshop users.
Easy access to core editing power: Use the convenient Adjustments panel to easily access every tool you need to nondestructively adjust and enhance color and tone. Open the On-image Adjustment tool with a keyboard shortcut.
Efficient and flexible work environment: Easily control tile size, and use presets for simultaneously setting cache and tile size based on whether your output is for print or web.
Streamlined workflow: Use Adobe CS Review, part of new Adobe CS Live online services, to initiate a more secure review without leaving Photoshop Extended. Reviewers can add comments to your images from their browsers, and you see the comments appear automatically on your screen. CS Live services are complimentary for a limited time.
New time-savers: Let Photoshop CS5 automatically downsample your 16-bit image files so you can save them as 8-bit JPEGs.
Powerful extensibility: Get and share custom panels that developers create to accomplish specific tasks -- and easily create your own panels of tools, menu items, actions, and more -- with Adobe Configurator software.
Analyze images with precision
Work with specialized images for architecture, manufacturing, engineering, science, and medicine. Extract quantitative data from images, and experience support for DICOM images and MATLAB processing routines.
Measurement, counting, and edit-tracking tools: Easily calibrate or set the scale of an image, and even set measurements to the scale information in the header of DICOM files. Use selection tools to define and calculate distance, perimeter, area, and many other measurements. Record data points in a Measurement Log and then export the data -- including histogram data -- to a spreadsheet for further quantitative analysis.
Support for manufacturing, medical, and scientific workflows: Quickly render a stack of related images into a single view using a variety of rendering calculations, such as median and maximum. Adobe Photoshop Extended automatically analyzes and combines the images while preserving the originals. Image Stacks are extensible, so third parties can write their own render modes.
What's New in Photoshop CS5 Extended
Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended software delivers breakthrough capabilities for superior image selections, image retouching, realistic painting, and 3D extrusions. Experience 64-bit support for fast performance as well as dozens of time-savers throughout your workflow.
Go beyond traditional digital imaging. Easily select intricate image elements, such as hair. See space fill in almost magically when you remove image elements. Create 3D logos and artwork by easily extruding text and other 2D graphics.
Extraordinary painting effects - New: Achieve natural and realistic painting effects with the Mixer Brush, which offers on-canvas color blending; Bristle Tips, which let you create lifelike, textured brush strokes; an onscreen color picker; and more.
Content-Aware Fill New: Remove any image detail or object and watch as Content-Aware Fill magically fills in the space left behind. This breakthrough technology matches lighting, tone, and noise so it looks as if the removed content never existed.
Complex selections made easy - New: Easily select intricate image elements, such as hair, for refinements, compositing, or placing in layout. Eliminate background color around selection edges, and automatically vary selection edges and perfect masks using new refinement tools.
Puppet Warp - New: Precisely warp or stretch graphics, text, or image elements to create unique new looks for your designs.
Superior HDR imaging - Enhanced: Create photo-realistic or surreal HDR images with unprecedented speed, control, and accuracy. Get better-than-ever results thanks to automatic ghost removal and greater control with tone mapping and adjustments, and even give single-exposure photos the look of HDR.
Efficient workflow - Enhanced: Enjoy productivity and creativity boosts thanks to dozens of features and enhancements requested by Photoshop users. Straighten images automatically, choose colors from an onscreen color picker, adjust the opacity of many layers at once, and more.
Better media management - Enhanced: Easily manage media with more flexible batch renaming, and access your assets in the context of what you're working on by using the customizable Adobe Mini Bridge panel in Photoshop Extended.
3D extrusions with Adobe Repousse - New: Create 3D logos and artwork from any text layer, selection, path, or layer mask with Adobe Repousse technology. Twist, rotate, extrude, bevel, and inflate your designs.
State-of-the-art raw image processing - Enhanced: Use the Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw 6 plug-in to nondestructively remove image noise while preserving color and detail; add grain to make digital photos look more organic; enjoy more control when performing post-crop vignetting; and more.
Enhanced 3D realism and rich materials - New: Enhance 3D objects and designs with easy shadow creation, image-based lights, and materials like glass and chrome. Explore with different focus points in your 3D scene by
Faster performance across platforms - Enhanced: Speed up day-to-day imaging tasks and process very large images up to 10 times faster by taking advantage of cross-platform 64-bit support. (Requires a 64-bit-capable computer with a 64-bit version of Mac OS, Microsoft Windows 7, or Windows Vista. Actual performance varies depending on amount of RAM, driver types, and other factors.)
Explore new web design possibilities. Easily select intricate image elements, such as hair, for placing in layout, and make pages pop with 3D artwork.
Content-Aware Fill - New: Remove any image detail or object and watch as Content-Aware Fill magically fills in the space left behind. This breakthrough technology matches lighting, tone, and noise so it looks as if the removed content never existed.
3D extrusions with Adobe Repousse - New: Design with greater flexibility thanks to Adobe Repousse technology. Create 3D logos, web buttons, and artwork from any text layer, selection, path, or layer mask, and then twist, rotate, extrude, bevel, and inflate your designs.
Extraordinary painting effects - New: Achieve natural and realistic painting effects with the Mixer Brush, which offers on-canvas color blending; Bristle Tips, which let you create lifelike, textured brush strokes; an onscreen color picker; and more.
Puppet Warp - New: Precisely warp or stretch graphics, text, or image elements to create unique new looks for your web designs.
Streamlined creative reviews - New: Use Adobe CS Review -- an Adobe CS Live online service -- to initiate a more secure review from within Photoshop Extended. Reviewers add comments to your images from their browsers, and you see those comments immediately. CS Live services are complimentary for a limited time.
Efficient workflow - Enhanced: Enjoy productivity and creativity boosts thanks to dozens of features and enhancements requested by Photoshop users. Straighten images automatically, choose colors from the onscreen color picker, adjust the opacity of many layers at once, and more.
Faster performance across platforms - Enhanced: Speed up day-to-day imaging tasks and process very large images up to ten times faster by taking advantage of cross-platform 64-bit support. (Requires a 64-bit-capable computer with a 64-bit version of Mac OS, Microsoft Windows 7, or Windows Vista. Actual performance varies depending on amount of RAM, driver types, and other factors.)
Complex selections made easy - New: Easily select intricate image elements, such as hair, for refinements, compositing, or placing in layout. Eliminate background color around selection edges, and automatically vary selection edges and perfect masks using new refinement tools.
Superior HDR imaging - Enhanced: Create photo-realistic or surreal HDR images with unprecedented speed, control, and accuracy. Get better-than-ever results thanks to automatic ghost removal and greater control with tone mapping and adjustments, and even give single-exposure photos the look of HDR.
Enhanced 3D realism and rich materials - New: Enhance 3D objects and designs with easy shadow creation, image-based lights, and materials like glass and chrome. Explore with different focus points in your 3D scene by adjusting the range for depth of field.
Better media management - Enhanced: Easily manage media with more flexible batch renaming, and access your assets in the context of what you're working on by using the customizable Adobe Mini Bridge panel in Photoshop Extended.
Create and enhance 3D and motion-based content and prepare still images for video projects. Leverage 64-bit support, create stunning HDR images, and add natural painting effects with lifelike Bristle Tips.
3D extrusions with Adobe Repousse - New: Design with greater flexibility thanks to Adobe Repousse technology. Create 3D logos, web buttons, and artwork from any text layer, selection, path, or layer mask, and then twist, rotate, extrude, bevel, and inflate your designs.
Faster performance across platforms - Enhanced: Speed up day-to-day imaging tasks and process very large images up to ten times faster by taking advantage of cross-platform 64-bit support. (Requires a 64-bit-capable computer with a 64-bit version of Mac OS, Microsoft Windows 7, or Windows Vista. Actual performance varies depending on amount of RAM, driver types, and other factors.)
Superior HDR imaging - Enhanced: Create photo-realistic or surreal HDR images with unprecedented speed, control, and accuracy. Get better-than-ever results thanks to automatic ghost removal and greater control with tone mapping and adjustments, and even give single-exposure photos the look of HDR.
Extraordinary painting effects - New: Paint natural, realistic backdrops and digital mattes with the Mixer Brush, which offers on-canvas color blending, and Bristle Tips, which let you create lifelike, textured brush strokes.
Complex selections made easy - New: Get better-than-ever results when selecting intricate image elements, such as hair, and eliminate background color around selection edges. Automatically vary selection edges and perfect masks using new refinement tools.
Streamlined creative reviews - New: Use Adobe CS Review -- a new Adobe CS Live online service -- to initiate a more secure review from within Photoshop Extended. Reviewers add comments to your images from their browsers, and you see those comments immediately. CS Live services are complimentary for a limited time.
Content-Aware Fill - New: Remove any image detail or object and watch as Content-Aware Fill magically fills in the space left behind. This breakthrough technology matches lighting, tone, and noise so it looks as if the removed content never existed.
Enhanced 3D animation and realism - Enhanced: Animate effects such as depth of field; use video layers to animate image-based lights; and easily keyframe 3D object position, camera position, textures, and render settings. Enhance 3D objects and designs with easy shadow creation and materials like glass and chrome.
Efficient workflow - Enhanced: Work smarter with an increased limit for nested layers, the ability to drag and drop a file onto an open PSD document to create a layer, a keyboard shortcut for the On-Image Adjustment tool, and more.
Improved 32-bit file support - Enhanced: Create a layer mask directly from the transparency in your 32-bit file.
Create cutting-edge looks for interactive web experiences with 3D artwork, warped graphics, and realistic painting effects.
Complex selections made easy - New: Get better-than-ever results when selecting tricky image elements, such as hair, and eliminate background color around selection edges. Automatically vary selection edges and perfect masks using new refinement tools.
3D extrusions with Adobe Repousse - New: Design with greater flexibility thanks to Adobe Repousse technology, which lets you create 3D logos, buttons, and artwork from any text layer, selection, path, or layer mask. Twist, rotate, extrude, bevel, and inflate your designs.
Puppet Warp - New: Precisely warp or stretch graphics, text, or image elements to create unique new looks for your interactive designs.
Content-Aware Fill - New: Remove any image detail or object and watch as Content-Aware Fill magically fills in the space left behind. This breakthrough technology matches lighting, tone, and noise so it looks as if the removed content never existed.
Streamlined creative reviews - New: Use Adobe CS Review -- an Adobe CS Live online service -- to initiate a more secure review from within Photoshop Extended. Reviewers add comments to your images from their browsers, and you see those comments immediately. CS Live services are complimentary for a limited time.
Efficient workflow - Enhanced: Enjoy productivity and creativity boosts thanks to dozens of features and enhancements requested by Photoshop users. Straighten images automatically, pick colors from an onscreen color picker, adjust the opacity of many layers at once, and more.
Faster performance across platforms - Enhanced: Speed up day-to-day imaging tasks and process very large images up to ten times faster by taking advantage of cross-platform 64-bit support. (Requires a 64-bit-capable computer with a 64-bit version of Mac OS, Microsoft Windows 7, or Windows Vista. Actual performance varies depending on amount of RAM, driver types, and other factors.)
Extraordinary painting effects - New: Achieve natural and realistic painting effects with the Mixer Brush, which offers on-canvas color blending; Bristle Tips, which let you create lifelike, textured brush strokes; an onscreen color picker; and more.
Superior HDR imaging -Enhanced: Create photo-realistic or surreal HDR images with unprecedented speed, control, and accuracy. Get better-than-ever results thanks to automatic ghost removal and greater control with tone mapping and adjustments, and even give single-exposure photos the look of HDR.
Enhanced 3D realism and rich materials - Enhanced: Enhance 3D objects and designs with easy shadow creation, image-based lights, and materials like glass and chrome. Explore with different focus points in your 3D scene by adjusting the range for depth of field.
Better media management - Enhanced: Easily manage media with more flexible batch renaming, and access your assets in the context of what you're working on by using the customizable Adobe Mini Bridge panel in Photoshop Extended.

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended v12.0 (Mac)

Description: Adobe� Photoshop� CS5 Extended software delivers breakthrough capabilities for superior image selections, image retouching, realistic painting, and 3D extrusions. Experience 64-bit support for fast performance as well as dozens of time-savers throughout your workflow. Go beyond traditional digital imaging. Easily select intricate image elements, such as hair. See space fill in almost magically when you remove image elements. Create 3D logos and artwork by easily extruding text and other 2D graphics. Achieve natural and realistic painting effects with the Mixer Brush, which offers on-canvas color blending; Bristle Tips, which let you create lifelike, textured brush strokes; an onscreen color picker; and more.

Professional Photoshop Tone, Exposure & Color Correction

Improve and enhance black and white and color photographic images quickly and easily. Exposure errors and faded photographs are now a thing of the past. Accurately adjusting skin tone, removing colorcasts and color correction are essential skills in digital photography. Add to the richness of a photograph with color enhancement and dramatic lighting effects. Now you can apply these professional techniques, step-by-step to your photographs and digital image creations.

Read more:

Adobe Photoshop Premiere ISO/Multi/Core 9.0

Adobe Photoshop Elements combines power and simplicity so you can make your photos look extraordinary, share your life stories in unique print creations and web experiences, and easily manage and protect all your photos and video clips. $79.99 to buy with $20 mail-in rebate.

What's new in this version: Version 9.0 uses powerful technology to make even the most complex results achievable for anyone. The new Photomerge Style Match turns drab photos dramatic by analyzing characteristics of any photo, such as contrast or color tone, and automatically applies those qualities to another photo, allowing users to easily replicate any photo style.

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended 12.0

Description: Adobe� Photoshop� CS5 Extended software delivers breakthrough capabilities for superior image selections, image retouching, realistic painting, and 3D extrusions. Experience 64-bit support for fast performance as well as dozens of time-savers throughout your workflow. Go beyond traditional digital imaging. Easily select intricate image elements, such as hair. See space fill in almost magically when you remove image elements. Create 3D logos and artwork by easily extruding text and other 2D graphics. Achieve natural and realistic painting effects with the Mixer Brush, which offers on-canvas color blending; Bristle Tips, which let you create lifelike, textured brush strokes; an onscreen color picker; and more.

Photoshop Rons The Bundle HQ Brushes

Photoshop HQ Professional Brushes!
Ron's sci-fi brushes FX,
Ron's scratches (large),
Ron's scratches
Ron's skulls,
Ron's skulls II,
Ron's smoke,
Ron's smoke2,

Ron's splash 2,
Ron's splashes,
Ron's wings of water,
Ron's fog,

Adobe CS3 Photoshop Extended and Illustrator [All Cracked]

Adobe Creative Suite 3 : Photoshop Extended and Illustrator

(The Trial Package file will extract all of the installation files to a temporary are of your choosing).
( These will usually be found in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop\ and C:\Program Files\Adobe\Illustrator\Support\Content\ )

(No Serial Numbers, Keygens, or trial periods!)

System requirements:
1.8GHz or faster processor
Microsoft� Windows� XP with Service Pack 2 (Service Pack 3 recommended) or Windows Vista� Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise with Service Pack 1 (certified for 32-bit Windows XP and 32-bit and 64-bit Windows Vista)
512MB of RAM (1GB recommended)
1GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on flash-based storage devices)
1,024�768 display (1,280�800 recommended) with 16-bit video card
Some GPU-accelerated features require graphics support for Shader Model 3.0 and OpenGL 2.0
DVD-ROM drive

Wordware Publishing Web Designers Guide to Adobe Photoshop - Free eBook Wordware Publishing Web Designers Guide to Adobe Photoshop - Download ebook Wordware Publishing Web Designers Guide to Adobe Photoshop free

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