Kathryn LaRocca, Career Counselor, Resume Writer, and Published Author |
Kathryn LaRocca, Career Counselor, Resume Writer, and Published Author
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Download Kathryn LaRocca, Career Counselor, Resume Writer, and Published Author
Category: Careers
EBook Description: With more than 25 years experience in Resume Writing and Job Coaching, Kay LaRocca is a consummate professional at the top of her craft. Ms. LaRocca has the ability to relate to jobseekers at all levels, in all professions. Her unerring intuition in reading between the lines allows her to quickly discover her clients� needs even when they are not able to fully articulate them.
Realizing her enormous success with jobseekers from all professions, and the troubled economy of late, she saw a need to help jobseekers begin and conduct a successful job search campaign in uncertain times. �Secrets to Successful Job Hunting in a Sluggish Economy� has proven job search techniques that have assisted thousands in achieving success in a slow moving job market.
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Kathryn LaRocca, Career Counselor, Resume Writer, and Published Author - Free eBook Kathryn LaRocca, Career Counselor, Resume Writer, and Published Author - Download ebook Kathryn LaRocca, Career Counselor, Resume Writer, and Published Author free