Delphi programs
This is a very interesting topic; you can see what others do with their Delphi knowledge. Since Internet is the ultimate medium to share such knowledge every Delphi programmer should make his programs available on Internet.
Programming a Memory Game in Delphi - Part 1
In this Delphi programming tutorial, we will see how the TDrawGrid component can be used to help us develop a 'Memory' game (later we will also explain how to program a falling bricks game). Firstly we will describe what is involved with the Memory game
The Easy way to Cut Copy and Paste(Delphi Tutorial)
After a lot of hair pulling out I stumbled across this method of using the windows messages. This is best demonstrated with the following code:
An Icon Extractor and Viewer(Delphi Tutorial)
This tutorial is intended to show how to build a complete application with Delphi.
Adding and Removing Nodes, Node Images, TTreeNode.Level, Preventing Duplicates, TTreeNode.Data, BeginUpdate, EndUpdate, ItemID - Finding Nodes, Pre-order and Post-order recursive tree traversals, Editing TreeNode.Text, Tree Sorting, Linking a TreeView and a ListView, Drag and Drop
Shaping a Form around a Bitmap(Delphi Tutorial)
We have already done a tutorial on how to create non-rectangular windows. This tutorial shows how to create a form that is shaped around a bitmap. Like the previous tutorial it uses the SetWindowRGN function. The clever part here is how the region is created.
Dynamically Loading DLL's
Accessing and using DLL's in Delphi is easy (see Adding forms to a DLL) in this tutorial I would like to expand on that so as we actually control when the DLL is loaded into memory, and are also responsible for removing it from memory when we are finished using it.
How to Move Controls and Save their Positions(Delphi Tutorial)
The aim of this tutorial is to show, how you can allow the user to move any control, with the minimum of coding on your part. It also shows how to save these new positions to registry so that next time the application is started all the controls will appear in the position they where left in last time.
How to Implement Weird Shaped Windows(Delphi Tutorial )
his is probably one of the lesser known Delphi and windows functions. The ability to have windows of shapes other than rectangular. This may sound difficult to do but in practice it is very easy.
Restricting Minimum and Maximum window sizes in Delphi(Delphi Tutorial)
This method of restricting a window or controls size is now redundant
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