Beginning XSLT and XPath: Transforming XML Documents and Data |
Beginning XSLT and XPath: Transforming XML Documents and Data
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Added On: 25-Feb-2011
Download Beginning XSLT and XPath: Transforming XML Documents and Data
Category: XSLT
EBook Description: Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) is a language for transforming XML documents and data from one format to another. Answering the demand for an introductory book on XSLT processing, Ian Williams presents a clear, concise resource on XSLT concepts and methods and explains how and why XSLT relies on the XML Path language (XPath).As you gain a solid foundation in XSLT processing, you�ll learn the basic node tree structure that is used in the data model and discover how XSLT differs from the approach used in other programming languages. Example-laden chapters include both versions 1.0 and 2.0 features and demonstrate how to transform one XML data format to another. The book covers the key structural elements of an XSLT file and shows you how to use simple XPath expressions to match and select source file content. Along the way, you�ll uncover a rich set of XPath functions that will benefit you again and again as you develop your XSLT skills.
What you will learn from this book
How to define templates, the basic building blocks of XSLT
The way to construct XPath expressions and use a range of powerful XPath and XSLT functions
The role of variables and parameters in XSLT
Making use of control structures and iteration
How to generate and format numbers, dates, and times
Methods for working with multiple source and stylesheet documents
Ways to debug XSLT, validate types in XSLT, and document your stylesheets
Tips for indexing and linking items using identifiers and keys
Techniques for controlling whitespace and processing plain text
Who this book is for
This book is for web developers, authors, and designers who understand XML basics, and are interested in gaining a solid understanding of XSLT processing.
Wrox Beginning guides are crafted to make learning programming languages and technologies easier than you think, providing a structured, tutorial format that will guide you through all the techniques involved.
About the Author
Ian Williams is an information designer specializing in XML technologies, and a software technical writer. He worked in the U.K. publishing industry before getting involved in information technology at OWL International, developers of the one of the first commercial hypertext products. Ian was a product manager there, and later a consultant working with large corporate customers.
Since 1998 Ian has worked on technical writing and information-design projects, most recently for Nokia, Reuters, and Volantis. He is co-author with Pierre Greborio of Professional InfoPath 2003, also from Wrox Press.
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This is a practical book describing the entire process of planning, implementing, and maintaining a Web site as an XML-based information system. It covers all stages of an XML Web site project, including: -developing a domain-specific schema, -preparing and validating source documents (both authoring in XML and converting from other formats are covered), -setting up XSLT transformations for automatic generation of HTML, graphics, and other components of the site, -testing and maintenance of the system. Ideal for working Web developers new to XML but eager to learn and leverage its benefits. Web developers understand the power of XML but often are hesitant to deploy it for fear of a steep learning curve. Kirsanov simplifies XML and XSLT and boils it down to just those elements they need to become immediately effective. The main technologies covered in the book are: XML, XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0, Schematron, and Cocoon. The book uses many examples of code and markup; also, a full-scale sample site is described throughout the book, with complete listings for page sources, stylesheet, and schema.
Beginning XSLT and XPath: Transforming XML Documents and Data - Free eBook Beginning XSLT and XPath: Transforming XML Documents and Data - Download ebook Beginning XSLT and XPath: Transforming XML Documents and Data free