Sabine Scholer and Olaf Zink, "SAP Governance, Risk and Compliance" |
Sabine Scholer and Olaf Zink, "SAP Governance, Risk and Compliance"
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Download Sabine Scholer and Olaf Zink, "SAP Governance, Risk and Compliance"
Category: SAP
EBook Description: This book covers all processes and components of the SAP solutions for Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC). With a focus on Process Control, Access Control and Risk Management, the book provides the standard implementation scenarios and information on customizing using a standard case-study example.
You will learn how you can guarantee the compliance of business processes and IT systems with Process Control, how Access Control can be used for company-wide role definition and segregation of duties and how to perform analysis and elimination of risk related to user creation and superuser authorization. You will subsequently explore the relevant phases of risk management in order to supervise financial as well as legal risks.
Moreover, you will receive insight into the SAP solutions for compliance in the foreign trade, SAP GTS, and for compliance with guidelines in the environmental protection and labor safety, SAP EHS.
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IBM and SAP share a vision for responding to customers� specific requirements for tighter integration, platform flexibility, lower total cost of ownership, and improved performance. DB2 UDB V8.2.2 is an SAP-optimized version that uses autonomic computing technologies specifically tuned to help SAP users streamline installation, improve performance, and increase availability.
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Sabine Scholer and Olaf Zink, "SAP Governance, Risk and Compliance" - Free eBook Sabine Scholer and Olaf Zink, "SAP Governance, Risk and Compliance" - Download ebook Sabine Scholer and Olaf Zink, "SAP Governance, Risk and Compliance" free