How to Save Money at the Gas Pump
"The Cheap Person's Way To Making The Most Out Of The Fuel In Your Tank" Who are they trying to con? HOW much for ONE gallon of gas? $2.60? Higher? Who else longs for the day when you could fill your tank for ten bucks? But gas prices are on their way up. Sure, they go up and down. They go up a dollar and down 50 cents... ... to condition us to think 50 cents more is a good deal! For those of us who have to drive back and forth to work everyday - in gas guzzling traffic - every penny hurts. So with the ever-raising costs of filling your tank full of gas, there's no shame in .
The Associative Economy
After the wave of destruction brought about by financial crises, let's take a look at the economy once again. Great evil is committed by ignoring important issues. The economy affects us all. It will not disappear if we choose to simply turn our head and ignore it
he Credit Info/Repair Kit
Everything you need to know about credit including obtaining and monitoring your credit reports for free! Help to prevent Identity Theft and Fraud. Information on proven ways to increase your credit rating and a �how-to� guide on disputing incorrect information on your credit files.
Worshipping Excellence
Download this FREE eBook, in which the author explains how India is generating the fastest-made millionaires in the world today. He also questions whether the enthusiasm that has permeated India in the past has made its way across her population stratum, and also questions whether rural Indians have hope. He makes a plea for charitable commitment to rural India, in order to infuse hope throughout that region. Download it now!
Fractional Home Conversion: A Summary Guide for Sellers
This is your essentials guide to fractional ownership and fractional conversion. This FREE, ready for download eBook is aimed specifically at residential real estate sellers, owners, and investors. Learn how to convert your property to fractional ownership, so that you can take advantage of one of the fastest-growing trends in real estate today.
How To Be A Super Property Investor
A FREE, step-by-step guide that will help you become a super real estate property investor. Learn all the basic and some advanced investing techniques that have generated millions for property investors.
Strategies for Getting Started in Real Estate
This FREE, ready for download tutorial is designed to give beginning investors protection and resources.
Transgenerational Entrepreneurship
Introducing a new concept in family businesses Transgenerational Entrepreneurship addresses how these businesses achieve growth and longevity through entrepreneurial activities. It focuses on the resources, capabilities and mindsets that families develop and draw upon in order to be entrepreneurial across generations, and presents findings from an international research collaboration between family business researchers and practitioners.
In addition to a comprehensive conceptual chapter, the editors include a unique set of empirical case-based research papers that investigates transgenerational entrepreneurship in different European contexts. They bring together and integrate frontier research on entrepreneurship and family business, as well as pre a basis for future research.
Academics, teachers and students in business and management, entrepreneurship and family business will find this path-breaking book of value, as will libraries, policy makers and consultants.
Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management has been completely revised and will give students the information and decision-making skills necessary to start a small business and make it grow. It also benefits students who don't start or run their own businesses. It gives employees a look at the business arena and helps all students understand their roles as consumers. There is special emphasis on developing a Business Plan.
With our economy's recent flood of outsourcing and corporate crashes is small business the wave of the future? Across the world, people are looking to entrepreneurship as a force that can close the gap between poverty and prosperity. Study the nuts and bolts of being your own boss to mine the lessons of self-made failures and successes
1. The Perils of Success 2. The Lessons of Failure 3. Learning When to Pull the Plug 4. Nuts & Bolts: Small Time Capital 5. The Challenges of Being a Boss 6. Outsourcing R&D: Chasing Innovation 7. Tips from Entrepreneurship Expert Patti Greene 8. A Grand Entrepreneurial Dream 9. Why U.S. Leads Entrepreneurial Pack 10. BYO Business School 11. What's an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem? 12. Entrepreneurial Revival in the Great Plains 13. Native American Entrepreneurship Growing 14. Plusses and Pitfalls of Franchising 15. An Entrepreneurial Vision from Ghana 16. When Spouses Work Together 17. Cybercrime Entrepreneurs 18. Small Business and Health Insurance
Pioneers in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Research
Around the world there is an increasing interest in issues of small business and entrepreneurship. In a time with a lot of myths and opinions of the role of entrepreneurs and small business it is vital for a book like this to encapsulate the knowledge that can be gained from the most significant research contributions in the field. Such knowledge is often build upon empirical oriented methods providing policy relevant results for small business owners and entrepreneurs.
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