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Kiplinger's Personal Finance - January 2011
Kiplinger's Personal Finance magazine provides intelligent advice and sound reporting on topics regarding personal finance issues. Find information on investments, taxes, insurance, retirement and savings in Kiplinger's Personal Finance magazine.
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Personal Finance In Your 20s
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Personal Finance In Your 20s
Kiplingers Personal Finance (December 2010)
Kiplinger's Personal Finance magazine provides intelligent advice and sound reporting on topics regarding personal finance issues. Find information on investments, taxes, insurance, retirement and savings in Kiplinger's Personal Finance magazine.
The Personal Finance Calculator
Today''s most clear-cut guide for understanding and making everyday financial decisions Is it better to buy or lease a car? How does one calculate an investment return? For that matter, what exactly is an investment return? The Personal Finance Calculator provides noncomplex tools and calculations for assessing current personal wealth, determining how much debt is too much debt, understanding credit card interest rates, and more.
Written by Esme Faerber, a McGraw-Hill author renowned for simplifying complex finance topics and explaining their use, this clear, concise book explains simple steps for getting one''s financial life in order and saving money over both the short and long term. Readers will learn how to:
* Keep investment costs from undercutting overall returns * Use the popular "Rule of 72" to estimate investment growth * Determine how much money they will need for retirement
Kiplingers Personal Finance – February 2011 - Free eBook Kiplingers Personal Finance – February 2011 - Download ebook Kiplingers Personal Finance – February 2011 free